Prototype funding
  • drlouisechughes
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    Prototype funding

    by drlouisechughes » Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:49 pm

    What do you all think about a crowdfunding project to raise funds for developing an industry/final prototype with backer rewards that relate to but are not the final product? The rewards would not be dependant on the prototype but are unique rewards that are developed specifically for the project.

    I am asking because I have a product that has gone through several proof of principal prototypes and functional prototypes but we need to pay a company with more experience in microelectronics to do the final prototyping and produce the product as it would be for manufacture. I am considering doing a kickstarter or indiegogo campaign early next year for this and am seeking people's thoughts and opinions on this type of project. Would you back something like this? If not, why not? Thanks.

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    Re: Prototype funding

    by sbriggman » Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:50 pm

    Personally, I might throw a few dollars at it, but I wouldn't be motivated to pledge larger amounts ($20-$100) unless I got a copy of the product.
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    Re: Prototype funding

    by lmatute » Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:31 pm

    I don't think crowdfunding would be right for this, on Crowdfunding people want to be important part of the product and enjoy the fruits of the result.

    Personally if I see a really cool product I like, I would participate, but just as Sbriggman said, it would be something like $10 top.

    I think the best way to accomplish what you want is the partner with a company or person that can help you not only financially but maybe with some expertise and experiences.

    I actually been thinking myself to focus my firm on doing exactly that, we currently do small hardware and software projects for large companies that want quick prototype and don't want their large Engineering team distracted. Maybe helping people with ideas develop their hardware and software would be the way to go.
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  • drlouisechughes
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    Re: Prototype funding

    by drlouisechughes » Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:49 pm

    Thank you or the feedback, I am thinking along the same lines myself. I have researched quite a few technology Kickstarters and a number seem to be in the same position but have long fulfillment deadlines so that they can iron out any problems in the final prototyping stage. I think that is the route I will follow if I decide to do this. :D
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