Crowdfunding marketing is so important to a Kickstarter project. They all come in with their slicks sales pitches about how they will pitch journalists, the media, and secure lots of publicity for a product. I think it needs to be drawn to everyone’s attention that in terms of marketing Kickstarter projects, PR is by far the worst method of doing so. Why is this? Because the media, media outlets, and journalists do not care about products. They cover news. News as in politics, that’s what publications cover. No one anywhere wants to write about out small products. Sure there are blogs, but what have blogs ever done for a campaign? You can email a blog yourself you don’t need a full-fledged PR firm for that my friends. Plus, blogs never drive any backers. We all know that. Facebook ads and Adwords are all the works, and since most of us don’t have the budget for that then it’s pointless.
The Kickstarter platform was founded and designed to induce organic traffic. That is why you see great products raise huge amounts on Kickstarter. It’s because there are millions and millions of people each day going to Kickstarter and just looking for projects to back. Don’t focus on marketing, focus on making a quality product. The whole world is watching what is happening on Kickstarter. If your campaign fails then go back to the drawing board and come up with a new and improved product. Wash rinse and repeat. Iterate your way to success and quit fiddling around and wasting money on marketing.
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1. Build a quality product. You can get by just fine with this step alone. If the product is amazing, no further marketing will ever be needed.
2. Forget advertisement. Again, all you need to do is make that product compelling, useful, and beautiful. Ads are a waste of your hard-earned dollar my friends.
3. Forges public relations. Journalists will find you and your product, be sure of that. As long as you have some sort of website setup, eventually, someday, someone will find it and write about it. It starts out small like a small seed that one day grows into a mighty tree of press coverage.