Crowd PR guru is a SCAM.
  • boygeniuswonder
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    Crowd PR guru is a SCAM.

    by boygeniuswonder » Sat Jan 06, 2018 8:39 pm

    This occurred last year, but I see this is the right place to report things to fellow crowdfunding creators. Crowd PR guru is nothing but a scam. Beware of them here. They changed their name to Crowd PR ninja a few months ago and seem to be back to their scamming ways. Beware of Crowd PR guru if you get an email from them just throw it right in the trash, I lost $500 in their scam and I hope you can avoid loosing the same. Also read the thread here about these scammers: has-anyone-hired-crowd-pr-t11437.html
    Last edited by boygeniuswonder on Sun Mar 18, 2018 6:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

  • gustofwisdom
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    Crowd PR

    by gustofwisdom » Sat Jan 06, 2018 9:34 pm

    My favorite part about kickstarter is enacting a marketing campaign. PR, Media Relations, Influencer Marketing, and Media Outlets are were it's at. The key is to build relationships with journalists. Public Relations is a tough racket, but with enough practice, anyone can master PR and break through to top tier media outlets.
    Last edited by gustofwisdom on Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
  • riddlemethis
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    Re: Crowd PR guru is a SCAM.

    by riddlemethis » Sat Jan 06, 2018 10:32 pm

    Excellent findings. I also found something on the Better Business Bureau. They are going by the name of crowd pr guru and turnkey pr. Only targeting the crowdfunding crowd. Hopefully more is uncovered about crowd pr the guru team. ... -ca-420645
    Over 10 projects created, launched, and funded. Most recent campaign:
  • trent.palo.smith
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    Crowd PR

    by trent.palo.smith » Sat Jan 06, 2018 10:35 pm

    I have read many bad reports about Crowd PR Guru:

    But this community seems to believe that every company who has the word Crowd in their name is the same company. This is not true, as I have worked with many crowdfunding companies with the word Crowd in their name who were not scams.

    wgbriefcase wrote:A crowdfunding campaign is a precious gem for all to see. You can't allow yourself to sully that by hiring scams. I had a project live from Jan 11th and Feb 11th with a total funding amount of $12,000 from 546 backers on kickstarter, so I know what I am talking about in these matters

    The preparation for my campaign when on for 2months pre-launch. It was during this time that I evaluated every potential marketing partner, and I learned quite a bit on how to spot a scam.

    PR is perhaps the most important marketing channel due to the high returns it is capable of. For this reason, I always like to keep PR in house whenever possible. I am usually able to get 5 blog posts from relevant journalists, media, and publications (small ones). Very rarely do I seek outside help, but on occasion I will do so. During my preliminary research, I engaged a total of 10 PR companies who were based in San Francisco. Most of them turned out to be out of my price range, but I digress.

    My PR partner needed to target the women's lifestyle blog and media, we had it pegged as a key target market for our crowdfunding campaign. It was during this time that I engaged crowd pr guru, also known as crowd pr ninja, to handle the PR for this kind of online media.

    I was pleased with the proposal I received from the crowd pr guru team, it seemed to be a spot on proposal, with specific plans on press release distribution in the necessary media of that niche. The summary was excellent, but their reputation does proceed them, as I was soon to find out and regret wasting the hour meeting I spent with their team.

    Why is that? When given PR references from past campaigns they claimed to work with, I was shocked to hear back from 3 out of the 5 founders that I spoke with that they had never worked or heard of crowd pr guru. I did not hire them, and they wanted to charge a high fee of 434 us dollars for their service. I was comfortable with the fee, it did seem to be on the high side, but what was unforgivable was the bogus references. When pressed for an answer on this, the crowd pr guru team told me that I must have emailed the wrong founders. Quite an insult to my crowdfunding intelligence I say. I did not hire them, and told them I would report their antics to the community. I do not know if the other 2 founders had worked with them as I never received an answer.

    After that conversation with the crowd pr guru team, I went on to do a bit of research into their marketing agency, just to ease my own mind about making the correct decision in not hiring them. They never followed up with me after that point, not even once.

    Our conversation took the course of 17 emails and one skype meeting. They seemed to go to any length just to receive your payment. From what I have read online in the crowdfunding forums is that if you do send them the payment for crowd pr services, that is the last you will hear of them. Crowd pr ninja and crowd pr guru do seem to be the same agency, and I think the name itself is a dead give away.

    After that point, I went on to look into other marketing agencies to see if I could find the proper fit as to what I was looking for. Women's lifestyle media is a very hard niche to target, and I wanted to make sure it was done especially well. I looked into a firm called small girls pr, but they wanted 10k for their service, which was almost more than I was looking to raise from my entire campaign. I don't know how some of those pr firms can get away with charging such a high rate.

    My partner was very sold on the funded today marketing philosophy, but I showed him the scores and scores of negative reports on that firm and he wised up and changed his mind.

    We were never able to find a reputable marketing partner for that niche. Every single firm and agency that we looked into had bad reputations in the crowdfunding community. I don't know why, but it seems as though scam marketing agencies target crowdfunding creators more than anyone else. Such a shame.

    In conclusion, we found crowd pr guru going by other names, giving fake references, and having a total of 20 websites with similar names (ie. crowdco, crowd pr ninja, crowdfunding pr). An agency should have a unique name for these reasons alone, or else they may be associated with other agencies. Very poor branding, and if you can't do branding properly, then how can you do marketing properly?

    To all who are reading my reports, please note that I do not recommend any marketing agency at all. Each and every one of them have negative reports and accusation against them. We were able to manage to raise $12,000 just fine on our efforts alone, and through our skilled management of our facebook community group we have cultivated.

    I always recommend that crowdfunding campaigns do their PR in house. We were able to net $500 from our own PR efforts, sans any kind of pr firm whatsoever. Considering most of these pr firms charge about $500 to begin with, I think that we did all right for ourselves.

    Our campaign was quite the success, and we hope to beat that raise on our next campaign, and we do not plan on using an agency at all ever going forward.
    Last edited by trent.palo.smith on Thu Feb 22, 2018 8:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
  • wgbriefcase
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    Re: Crowd PR guru is a SCAM.

    by wgbriefcase » Sat Jan 06, 2018 11:01 pm

    A crowdfunding campaign is a precious gem for all to see. You can't allow yourself to sully that by hiring scams. I had a project live from Jan 11th and Feb 11th with a total funding amount of $12,000 from 546 backers on kickstarter, so I know what I am talking about in these matters

    The preparation for my campaign when on for 2months pre-launch. It was during this time that I evaluated every potential marketing partner, and I learned quite a bit on how to spot a scam.

    PR is perhaps the most important marketing channel due to the high returns it is capable of. For this reason, I always like to keep PR in house whenever possible. I am usually able to get 5 blog posts from relevant journalists, media, and publications (small ones). Very rarely do I seek outside help, but on occasion I will do so. During my preliminary research, I engaged a total of 10 PR companies who were based in San Francisco. Most of them turned out to be out of my price range, but I digress.

    My PR partner needed to target the women's lifestyle blog and media, we had it pegged as a key target market for our crowdfunding campaign. It was during this time that I engaged crowd pr guru, also known as crowd pr ninja, to handle the PR for this kind of online media.

    I was pleased with the proposal I received from the crowd pr guru team, it seemed to be a spot on proposal, with specific plans on press release distribution in the necessary media of that niche. The summary was excellent, but their reputation does proceed them, as I was soon to find out and regret wasting the hour meeting I spent with their team.

    Why is that? When given PR references from past campaigns they claimed to work with, I was shocked to hear back from 3 out of the 5 founders that I spoke with that they had never worked or heard of crowd pr guru. I did not hire them, and they wanted to charge a high fee of 434 us dollars for their service. I was comfortable with the fee, it did seem to be on the high side, but what was unforgivable was the bogus references. When pressed for an answer on this, the crowd pr guru team told me that I must have emailed the wrong founders. Quite an insult to my crowdfunding intelligence I say. I did not hire them, and told them I would report their antics to the community. I do not know if the other 2 founders had worked with them as I never received an answer.

    After that conversation with the crowd pr guru team, I went on to do a bit of research into their marketing agency, just to ease my own mind about making the correct decision in not hiring them. They never followed up with me after that point, not even once.

    Our conversation took the course of 17 emails and one skype meeting. They seemed to go to any length just to receive your payment. From what I have read online in the crowdfunding forums is that if you do send them the payment for crowd pr services, that is the last you will hear of them. Crowd pr ninja and crowd pr guru do seem to be the same agency, and I think the name itself is a dead give away.

    After that point, I went on to look into other marketing agencies to see if I could find the proper fit as to what I was looking for. Women's lifestyle media is a very hard niche to target, and I wanted to make sure it was done especially well. I looked into a firm called small girls pr, but they wanted 10k for their service, which was almost more than I was looking to raise from my entire campaign. I don't know how some of those pr firms can get away with charging such a high rate.

    My partner was very sold on the funded today marketing philosophy, but I showed him the scores and scores of negative reports on that firm and he wised up and changed his mind.

    We were never able to find a reputable marketing partner for that niche. Every single firm and agency that we looked into had bad reputations in the crowdfunding community. I don't know why, but it seems as though scam marketing agencies target crowdfunding creators more than anyone else. Such a shame.

    In conclusion, we found crowd pr guru going by other names, giving fake references, and having a total of 20 websites with similar names (ie. crowdco, crowd pr ninja, crowdfunding pr). An agency should have a unique name for these reasons alone, or else they may be associated with other agencies. Very poor branding, and if you can't do branding properly, then how can you do marketing properly?

    To all who are reading my reports, please note that I do not recommend any marketing agency at all. Each and every one of them have negative reports and accusation against them. We were able to manage to raise $12,000 just fine on our efforts alone, and through our skilled management of our facebook community group we have cultivated.

    I always recommend that crowdfunding campaigns do their PR in house. We were able to net $500 from our own PR efforts, sans any kind of pr firm whatsoever. Considering most of these pr firms charge about $500 to begin with, I think that we did all right for ourselves.

    Our campaign was quite the success, and we hope to beat that raise on our next campaign, and we do not plan on using an agency at all ever going forward.

    FRAUDWATCHMAN wrote:I've been seeing a few posts about this company, so I figured it would be a good idea for me to do a bit of research to help out the community, and make sure that future founders can avoid companies that scam projects. From what I gather, there have been a total of 3 posts about this company in the past 6 months, and I believe this warrants a full investigation into them. I will post my findings below for all to see.

    I am seeing reports as far back as 1 year online that this is not a legit company. The first instance I ran into this on was reddit (see link 1 below). In this reddit discussion, the author claims that Crowd PR Guru is also TopLevelPr . These claims are unsubstantiated, unless the author has credible evidence he failed to share in the discussion. The last official news from the company was a press release in 2014 on PRWeb (see link 2 below). Their last tweet was in 2015 respectively.

    A google search has revealed that there are countless reports and even websites setup for negative reviews about Crowd PR Guru, and these include the claims that they also go by the name of TopLevelPR, and TurnkeyPR. Link 3 below does show some evidence that the company has rebranded, so this does give some credence to the claim that they are the same company indeed. It appears as though it is the same person creating websites, reddit threads, and blog articles about this company. From what I gather, it is a highly disgruntled former client, and I say highly disgruntled because these posts date back to 2015 and continue all the way until 2018. That is a very long time, so I do take these posts with a grain of salt as someone who continues to do this for 3 years may have some sort of mental instability. Although I do not doubt one bit that they were scammed by this company.

    Link 1: ... s_scamming
    Link 2: ... 061831.htm
    Link 3: ... ny-a-laugh
    Link 3: ... nding.html

    Their company website is still live at The reports on this forum do link to this website, so this company is still up and running. The interesting thing is that the logo on their website says "PR Hacker" and upon further review, their website is an exact clone of I do not know if exact cloning of websites is possible, but if it is not possible then Crowd PR Guru is also associated with PR Hacker, but this is only if cloning is not possible. Either way, this is proof that Crowd PR Guru is not a safe company to hire at all. For what its worth, I have found a ripoff repot against them as well.

    No on in their right mind should hire Crowd PR Guru. Their website does not even include their logo and is a clone of a different website entirely. This gives credence to the many reports online of them being a scam. The association between TurnkeyPR, TopLevelPr, and PR Hacker does not have enough evidence to group them into the same category, but beware - as I have read 3 reports online of them being the same company, and TopLevelPR itself has over 10 ripoff reports against it directly.

    Last edited by wgbriefcase on Thu Feb 22, 2018 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
  • mike420blazed247
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    Crowd PR

    by mike420blazed247 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 12:02 am

    Just a head up everyone, there are lots of companies who have the name Crowd in it. A popular name for sure. What I like to do in order to get featured by media outlets is peruse online publications for solid advice.

    I found a great one today, read at your own leisure and may it improve your marketing program ten fold: ... -campaign/
    Last edited by mike420blazed247 on Thu Feb 22, 2018 8:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
  • alexissmith
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    Re: Crowd PR guru is a SCAM.

    by alexissmith » Sun Jan 07, 2018 6:15 am

    It looks like their twitter has not been active in over 2 years so they must be using a different website or domain:
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    Re: Crowd PR guru is a SCAM.

    by FRAUDWATCHMAN » Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:37 pm

    I've been seeing a few posts about this company, so I figured it would be a good idea for me to do a bit of research to help out the community, and make sure that future founders can avoid companies that scam projects. From what I gather, there have been a total of 3 posts about this company in the past 6 months, and I believe this warrants a full investigation into them. I will post my findings below for all to see.

    UPDATE: Crowd PR -- -- has no association with any of these companies that have Crowd in their name. I received a PM from the founder of Crowd PR and an offer of a skype chat. During this chat, I was shown clear evidence that Crowd PR is an active agency producing results frequently. I apologize for my accusations.

    I am seeing reports as far back as 1 year online that this is not a legit company. The first instance I ran into this on was reddit (see link 1 below). In this reddit discussion, the author claims that Crowd PR Guru is also TopLevelPr . These claims are unsubstantiated, unless the author has credible evidence he failed to share in the discussion. The last official news from the company was a press release in 2014 on PRWeb (see link 2 below). Their last tweet was in 2015 respectively.

    A google search has revealed that there are countless reports and even websites setup for negative reviews about Crowd PR Guru, and these include the claims that they also go by the name of TopLevelPR, and TurnkeyPR. Link 3 below does show some evidence that the company has rebranded, so this does give some credence to the claim that they are the same company indeed. It appears as though it is the same person creating websites, reddit threads, and blog articles about this company. From what I gather, it is a highly disgruntled former client, and I say highly disgruntled because these posts date back to 2015 and continue all the way until 2018. That is a very long time, so I do take these posts with a grain of salt as someone who continues to do this for 3 years may have some sort of mental instability. Although I do not doubt one bit that they were scammed by this company.

    Link 1: ... s_scamming
    Link 2: ... 061831.htm
    Link 3: ... ny-a-laugh
    Link 3: ... nding.html

    Their company website is still live at The reports on this forum do link to this website, so this company is still up and running. The interesting thing is that the logo on their website says "PR Hacker" and upon further review, their website is an exact clone of I do not know if exact cloning of websites is possible, but if it is not possible then Crowd PR Guru is also associated with PR Hacker, but this is only if cloning is not possible. Either way, this is proof that Crowd PR Guru is not a safe company to hire at all. For what its worth, I have found a ripoff repot against them as well.

    No on in their right mind should hire Crowd PR Guru. Their website does not even include their logo and is a clone of a different website entirely. This gives credence to the many reports online of them being a scam. The association between TurnkeyPR, TopLevelPr, and PR Hacker does not have enough evidence to group them into the same category, but beware - as I have read 3 reports online of them being the same company, and TopLevelPR itself has over 10 ripoff reports against it directly.

    reports.png (221.93 KiB) Viewed 3100 times
    Last edited by FRAUDWATCHMAN on Thu Feb 22, 2018 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
    I am the watchman of fraud, always on the lookout to report crowdfunding scams, thieves, and falsehood. I've fell for countless crowdfunding scams, and it's my mission to stop as many of them as possible.
  • pwalk119
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    Re: Crowd PR guru is a SCAM.

    by pwalk119 » Mon Jan 15, 2018 5:33 am

    ^^^ FRAUD WATCHMAN aka William Henry / Kyle Stauebell / Kyle Stubbs of Don't be thrown off.

    Crowd.PR reviously known as and Glenn Ross ... co-1328906 and on and on it goes with these guys.

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