A new habit creating life logging tool needs your feedback!
  • irondev
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    A new habit creating life logging tool needs your feedback!

    by irondev » Sat Jun 10, 2017 1:06 pm

    Hey KickstarterForum,

    I'm 3 days into my project and like many people before me, I feel stressed as I believe my project has already failed.

    To start things off, I think my idea is great and can help millions of people and in person it's really easy to pitch to investors, mentors, etc and they all love the idea. But I don't want to take an investment because I would have to give up too much of my company and I could no longer steer it the way I want to.

    Secondly, I can advise people not to make the same mistake as I did and DON'T start your social media following 1 day before. Just because you think friends and family will back immediately without a heads up to get it on Kickstarter's trending list... it doesn't mean they will! You need to prepare months in advance and start getting a backing. I released a website and kickstarter both on the same day... bad idea!

    Additionally, after reviewing dozens of app projects it seems that creating an app on Kickstarter is now dead. Most app projects don't get funded I've noticed and the ones that do have a very specific niche they fit to. What is your opinion on this?

    Lastly, how do you deal with failure? When does it sink in that the project has no hope? What drives you to try crowdfunding again?

    If you don't mind taking some time and looking over the pros/cons of my Kickstarter I would love to return the favor! I can't provide any advice really on PR since I'm awful at it but I would love your advice!

    You can find my project for review at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/17 ... life-coach

    Thanks and all feedback is appreciated!

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    Re: A new habit creating life logging tool needs your feedba

    by Cristina » Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:35 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
    Forum Moderator.
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