A quick share with our experience with this tremendous annoying backers name MJ Farley here is his KS profile
https://www.kickstarter.com/profile/2126319650 Would you refund this person?? After more than 30 days harassing your campaign and encourage other backers to attack the creator + reporting the campaign to Kickstarter for unreasonable reason.
He putting a fake pledge of $2,000 after the creator adding a stretch goal and then reduce the pledge slowly so other backers think that the creator losing backers one by one when actually only this person reducing his pledge slowly and on the last day he overslept and forgot to cancel his pledge so basically we still have $1,000 of his fake pledge with us....
Now he is begging us to refund him... What do you guys think about this kind of backers?
The messed up part is after more than 5 or 6 emails to Kickstarter about his activity on our page, this person still have his account and there is no significant action taken by Kickstarter. (Apparently, this kind of behaviour was acknowledged by Kickstarter and it was ok to do....)