Basswall, 5.1 200w Sound System in a Painting
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    Basswall, 5.1 200w Sound System in a Painting

    by Ignitecfp » Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:02 pm

    Hey Guys,

    I had to let you know about an exciting new crowdfunding project run by Ignite.


    Its called Basswall - and it is a sick 5,1 speaker system that is hidden inside a picture frame.

    Swap in and out whatever picture or poster you like, and wirelessly control your hidden speaker setup through bluetooth.

    I can't wait for this, it will be perfect for house parties. If only I had one back at my college place.

    Check it out on Thier Indiegogo Page

    Also tell me what you think of the Indiegogo page design we did. Feedback is always appreciated.

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