How do you get funding for a comic book Kickstarter project?
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    How do you get funding for a comic book Kickstarter project?

    by Cristina » Wed Aug 24, 2016 12:11 pm

    Launching a comic book Kickstarter campaign isn’t as easy as it looks. In fact, Einar Petersen, a member of the CrowdCrux community has been struggling with his campaign and asked my advice as to how to improve it.

    A lot of the advice that I’m about to share is applicable to your campaign. It’s not rocket science and it’s easy to implement. You just have to take the time.

    I realize that for some creative types out there, marketing can seem like a completely different realm. I hope that my answer will give a few different elements to focus on to increase the chance that you’ll project will get funding.

    Read the article here: ... r-project/

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