Exposing Crowdfunding Secrets and Jedi Mind Tricks
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    Exposing Crowdfunding Secrets and Jedi Mind Tricks

    by Cristina » Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:08 pm

    How does crowdfunding REALLY work?

    Why do some campaigns raise hundreds of thousands of dollars and others barely scrape by.

    I’m going to roll back the curtain and give you an inside look at some of the marketing secrets that I’ve uncovered.

    These techniques are proven to get you results. If you follow them, you’ll raise more money, get more backers, and launch the campaign of your dreams.

    Yes, they work on Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and any other crowdfunding platform that you choose to use.

    Read the article here: http://www.crowdcrux.com/exposing-crowd ... nd-tricks/

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