How can you stand out from the crowd on Kickstarter?
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    How can you stand out from the crowd on Kickstarter?

    by Cristina » Tue May 31, 2016 12:45 pm

    This is an “Ask Sal” episode where listeners submit their questions and I answer them! Navid asked:

    “How can we spend our time and money to ensure that we get eyeballs on this campaign and that it gets before viewers and gets pledges on Kickstarter?”

    In my answer, I’ll talk about a few ways that you can promote your Kickstarter campaign, get more exposure on the website itself, and some tools and resources that you can use.

    This is a CRASH COURSE in marketing and is an absolute must-listen-to episode if you’re preparing for the launch of a product-centric crowdfunding campaign.

    Read the article here:

    kickstarter-standing-out-338x185.jpg (33.22 KiB) Viewed 365 times

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