New Tool for Campaign Creators
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    New Tool for Campaign Creators

    by Scottradamson » Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:36 pm

    Hey Everyone!

    I've been following this forum for quite a while as I have been working on a campaign for myself. But after doing tons of research I become a bit obsessed with the whole Kickstarter scene and started working on a platform that I thought would help people running a campaign.

    Essentially what I saw was people who were trying to develop a crowdfunding affiliate programs and properly track referrals to their campaign, but everyone was using hard to set up system that utilized 3-4 different third party applications.

    So what I did is created a tool that allows a campaign creator to set up a complete affiliate program for their campaign and it can be set up in a couple minutes.

    We had our Beta launch a couple weeks ago and ran with about 30 campaigns and things went really well, after taking the last couple of weeks to make a few tweaks we are now open to the public for campaign creators to test out and for backers to join the community and be notified of all new campaigns using the system.

    If you want to check it out both campaign creators and backers can visit

    I plan on being an active part of this forum so if you have any questions regarding the site or just crowdfunding in general dont hesitate to get in touch with me!

    Thanks and I look forward to everyones feedback.

    Crowdfunding Marketing Made Simple - -
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    Re: New Tool for Campaign Creators

    by Cristina » Mon Oct 12, 2015 4:37 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
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