The start of my kickstarter project!
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    The start of my kickstarter project!

    by mikewalton206 » Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:14 pm

    Well it's actually more of a preview for it. It's my comic book/graphic novel. I wanna know what you guys think, suggestions and soon on. Thanks everyone :mrgreen: ... n=4fbb64bd

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    Re: The start of my kickstarter project!

    by Mr. YouthWriter » Fri Aug 14, 2015 5:54 pm

    Well Mike, it honestly looks fantastic! I can't wait for this to come out; as a self-professed nerd and general anime enthusiast, this has made me quite excited. You seem really passionate about your project, which is a really good thing; it was also very entertaining to read! I would have liked to see a little more about you; what inspired you to do this, a little insight into your head, and more about the actual risks and challenges. You basically said, "Everyone has their roadblocks." That really isn't much of an answer; you need to be upfront with everyone. You don't have to tell them in detail what would happen if a printing machine malfunctioned, but just say that delays could happen (as with anything that involves printing and shipping), and you can even be fun about it. "A meteor still could strike Earth and make my comic happen so I suppose that could be pretty disastrous...but also really cool." Best of luck, and let me know as soon as it's out! I'd love to follow and retweet on Twitter for the same in kind; I hope it works out.
    Like books? Me too! That's why me, a 17 year old writer, successfully raised money for my first book on Kickstarter. Go ahead and check out the link:
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    Re: The start of my kickstarter project!

    by mikewalton206 » Fri Aug 14, 2015 6:18 pm

    Thanks! That's exactly what I needed. Good info and tips like that. I really appreciate that a lot. I hope everyone else is excited as you and me about this project :D
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    Re: The start of my kickstarter project!

    by Mr. YouthWriter » Fri Aug 14, 2015 6:42 pm

    I'm sure they are, and your rewards are all quite reasonable as well! It takes guts to make a comic; I can't draw either, but I love to create unique and interesting stories, which is why I became an author. Do you have a Twitter you would like me to follow and retweet your project from?
    Like books? Me too! That's why me, a 17 year old writer, successfully raised money for my first book on Kickstarter. Go ahead and check out the link:
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    Re: The start of my kickstarter project!

    by mikewalton206 » Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:09 pm

    Yeah I hope so and you're right... making a comic does take guts because some many things are going on with it like all the characters you gotta come up with, a good story, artwork and so much more but I think my comic is on the right track so far :) as for the rewards... I did a lot of tweeks and cut the amount of them more then half, dropped the price amount then decided to use the rewards I cut and put them in the stretch goals. Oh and my twitter is @mikewalton206 thanks for the support
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    Re: The start of my kickstarter project!

    by Mr. YouthWriter » Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:58 pm

    Hey no problem, and you'll surely do great! I can't draw either; I have ideas for things other than books all the time, but until I establish myself as an author I don't want to branch out quite yet. I wish you the best of luck and would appreciate if you would follow and retweet some of my stuff at @arkstorm1. Anyway, best of luck and whatever you need, as long as it can be given, I will happily do! I recently released a YouTube channel as well; I would more than happily work out some sharing deals with you or talk to some others about it. When do you think you'll be releasing your Kickstarter?
    Like books? Me too! That's why me, a 17 year old writer, successfully raised money for my first book on Kickstarter. Go ahead and check out the link:
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    Re: The start of my kickstarter project!

    by mikewalton206 » Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:42 am

    Oh yeah for sure! I'll follow you also and share your stuff ;) I updated my kickstarter with your suggestions and I think it's much better now. Check it out and let me know what you think. I also have a YouTube. Check out the link below to see one of my videos and subscribe so I can find you and do the same. I love helping out other people with projects and stuff however I can because I'm pretty new still ar this so I know how all the other new people feel when they trying to get noticed and have the right things made to have a good product for people to check out. As for the launch of my project I'm working with my artist to see his average time frame for pumping out comic pages and then go from there.
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    Re: The start of my kickstarter project!

    by Mr. YouthWriter » Sat Aug 15, 2015 3:39 am

    Thanks a ton Mike! Just make sure to approve my follow request on Twitter so I can actually retweet for ya, haha. I have successfully survived the process of subscribing to your YouTube channel, and I also checked out the updated Kickstarter page. It's great to have a little sneak peak into your head! I would definitely recommend making some YouTube videos just on the process of it, maybe have your artist get in on it. With an increase in scams on Kickstarter (specifically in the technology section), it's important for backers to feel like they can trust the creators. And how can they do that? By getting to know you as well as your family! It sure is tough being a newbie though; if you happen to know any others new at Kickstarter, lemme know so we can support each other. I'm really trying to build up a group of people that, because we're using Kickstarter (which oftentimes means we, unfortunately, don't have the money to even do minimum amount backings) can really promote each other to greatness, stardom, success, etc. etc. Since I'm 17 I can have the advantage of just searching "teen writer blogs" to help me out on my quest, but I'm trying to get everyone to help out everyone. It's not easy but it's a worthy goal! Anyway, if you would like to collaborate directly, my work email is You can contact me any time and perhaps we can work together further to achieve brilliant success!
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    Re: The start of my kickstarter project!

    by mikewalton206 » Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:10 am

    Yeah good luck with all you're future projects and yeah it's good for everyone to help out in anyway they can
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    Re: The start of my kickstarter project!

    by diytravelshow » Sun Aug 16, 2015 5:26 am

    I love how detail of your explanation! I wish I don't have such tight deadline so I could do something more similar to yours.
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