Self-Fulfillment vs. Outsourced Fulfillment
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    Self-Fulfillment vs. Outsourced Fulfillment

    by admin » Thu Jun 13, 2013 6:54 pm

    If you are planning a crowdfunding campaign or have recently finished fundraising through Kickstarter or Indiegogo, I’m sure you’ve come to realize the major financial and time cost of reward or “perk” fulfillment.

    When you tally up shipping and handing, trips to the post office, stamps, bubble wrap, and time spent stuffing envelopes and getting together packages, fulfilling your backer’s rewards can seem like a part-time job. Remember, these are the people who believed in your project and pledged their hard-earned money to see its completion. Expedience is of utmost importance.

    Many campaign creators struggle with the question as to when it’s appropriate to outsource fulfillment and when they should just stick it out and obtain the help of friends and family. I’ve highlighted a few decision points below that can help guide you when making this decision. Keep in mind, that no two crowdfunding campaigns are unique, but these are great general elements to consider when deciding whether to outsource your reward fulfillment or keep it in-house.

    Time Commitment & Stress Factor
    Now is the time to evaluate how much you can commit each day to reward fulfillment. It’s also important to develop a timeline explaining how many perks you can fulfill each day and how many days it will take to fulfill all of the orders you expect to or have obtained from your crowdfunding campaign.

    Read more here: ... lfillment/

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    Re: Self-Fulfillment vs. Outsourced Fulfillment

    by harrylee » Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:07 am

    Nice fulfillment Services provider. And good information is shared by you.

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