Question about cover images...what draws YOU?
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    Question about cover images...what draws YOU?

    by gear-wise » Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:23 pm

    Obviously this question is category dependent, but since my project is in the design category, im going to frame it within that context.

    Many of the projects in the design category have beautiful pictures some easier to understand than others...personally, i like kind where i am intrigued by what i think it might be, so i click to learn more. But i feel like I am unique in that sense, my wife for example quickly dismisses things she doesnt understand right away...

    My project is a completely unique take on the dog leash, combining 6 functions into 1 system.

    As you are scrolling through the results, what would grab your attention more?

    1) an illustrated image showing functions and the title? something like:


    2) A photo of the product with little other information. something like:

    Any feedback would be awesome!

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    Re: Question about cover images...what draws YOU?

    by Cristina » Sat Mar 07, 2015 1:17 am

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    Re: Question about cover images...what draws YOU?

    by sbriggman » Sat Mar 07, 2015 5:49 pm

    I like the second one more.
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    Re: Question about cover images...what draws YOU?

    by Jonathan08 » Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:39 am

    This all comes down to pshychology. Think about who your target market is, if you marketing to the general public, you're going to have to dumb it down a bit, ie simplify things, so I would say the second one would be the way to go.

    Now if you're selling something to engineers, the first one is probably going to rank highest.

    IMO, I like the second one. Don't claim to be an expert in graphic design (I am a industrial designer) but I do dabble in It a lot. usually "simple" wins out, in product design, you can never go wrong with white backgrounds, black can work also but white is best. It really is that simple.

    Now if you know what you're doing and know how to work colors and compositions and depending on what your product is, then you can get away with colors and backgrounds and logo's and tons of text and all that good stuff but just keep in mind there is an art to it. Go look at any major design blog or magazine, or better yet any super successful KS campaign. They all have that same template feel, they've all used professional tricks of the trade to catch the eye, lead it to where they want etc. It's really interesting.
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    Re: Question about cover images...what draws YOU?

    by 0riginking3 » Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:48 am

    I'd have to agree with Jonathan ^^

    It really depends on the market and who you are selling to. I also like the second one more then the first- I mean you just have to glance at it briefly to understand what the image is all about. Whereas, the other image is too complicated.
    Now I am definitely no graphics designer, but in short: Minimal text, simplistic image, but include something eye catching to draw people in.

    Your thumbnail image needs to be interesting but needs to not give too much away. You want them to click the image and read more about it!

    Best of luck :)

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