Hello everyone :)
  • TarantulaTheatre
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    Hello everyone :)

    by TarantulaTheatre » Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:29 am

    I just joined the community today and I'm trying to build up a little momentum for my Kickstarter campaign that I plan on launching at the start of March. I'm a musician and I've been writing and recording music for 12 years. I'm turning 24 this month and finally decided to stop being too prideful to ask for assistance from my friends, family, and good natured people in general. I'm trying to raise $5,000 to record an EP to send to a semi-independent label I've been keeping tabs on for a few years now. I moved out on my own when I was 18 to help a very close friend that had no place to live, and unfortunately whatever music equipment that didn't break from wear over the years was sold to pay for rent on different occasions until we got on our feet. So I haven't been able to truly record in 5 years, only little snippets of ideas here and there on my phone to save for later.

    Anyways here is my Kickstarter draft,

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/11 ... n=d85a0c70

    It doesn't have my video. Should be added in the coming weeks. Any feedback is appreciated, thanks :)
    Last edited by TarantulaTheatre on Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:22 am, edited 2 times in total.

  • TarantulaTheatre
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    Re: Hello everyone :)

    by TarantulaTheatre » Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:22 am

    I've addressed a few things pointed out to me by someone kind enough to leave feedback, (Thanks!) and I've also updated and added a few things to the draft. It's still missing my video but links to my music are now available as well as a few other things. Again I'm grateful for any advice, the link is still available in my first post :)

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