How to get covered on Kickstarter popular page?
  • Jwen
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    How to get covered on Kickstarter popular page?

    by Jwen » Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:03 pm

    I just wondering how Kickstarter determined who will be on their popular page (First and second page)
    Do the project need to be 50% or more funded? Or maybe it's reaching their final day?
    Anybody know about this? Thanks.

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    Re: How to get covered on Kickstarter popular page?

    by therriaultk » Thu Dec 11, 2014 9:20 pm

    Hey! Here is a link you can check out on this topic! :)

    And a quote from the Kickstarter FAQ:

    "How does a project become a Staff Pick?

    At Kickstarter HQ, we spend a big part of our day keeping up with projects. Every morning our editorial team opens hundreds of tabs in their browsers and watches all of the project videos that launched in the last 24 hours. When something sticks out as particularly compelling, whether it’s a really fun video, creative and well-priced rewards, a great story, or an exciting idea (ideally all of the above!), we make the project a Staff Pick.

    We add to Staff Picks throughout the day and throughout the life of a project. We want this page to be ever-evolving and just one way of many for people to find great projects.

    The best way to get on our editorial radar is to keep running an awesome project. We’re always on the lookout, reading about projects through interesting project updates, social media, and articles that pop up in our trusty Kickstarter Google alert. We look forward to reading about yours!"
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    Re: How to get covered on Kickstarter popular page?

    by lostinwebspace » Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:36 pm

    I read somewhere that they pick some projects based on an initial funding kick. If you raise a good chunk in your first few days, that seems to signal them that you've done your homework and put the initial effort in that other Kickstarters might not have done.

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