Geeky sci fi burger kickstarter - last week panic
  • Bluechaos
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    Geeky sci fi burger kickstarter - last week panic

    by Bluechaos » Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:21 pm

    Hi everyone

    Brand new to this site. Some great advice. I just wanted to post my campaign with a brief overview and then anyone who can offer advice, share, donate etc that would be amazing

    I am hoping to open a geeky burger place in Manchester UK, my kickstarter can be viewed here ... -fi-burger

    As an overview of our progress so far. Obviously we are below our target and we need to pick up massively in the final two weeks to reach our goal. However we imagined we would have lots of smaller donations (£10-25 etc) in reality we have seen lots of strangers giving larger donations

    We have done well via Twitter, and I have at least an equal amount of people to the ones who have donated who said they are going to donate soon via Facebook and Twitter I guess it's just until these actually commit we seem a very long way off

    Any suggestions on how to each more people, there seems some great websites and twitter accounts for the American market, I'm just not sure how popular crowdfunding is in the UK? It's obviously on the rise but I'm not sure whether people fully get it.


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    Re: Geeky sci fi burger kickstarter - last week panic

    by BitofaGeek » Thu Dec 04, 2014 3:34 pm

    I think projects like yours really benefit from targeted marketing, seeing as the majority of pledgers would like on the north of England. At least, I think it would be safe to presume that.

    Use Facebook, Twitter and Youtube to advertise to people who:

    - Live in Manchester and nearby cities.
    - Like/follow/subscribe to local geeky establishments like game shops, or comic book shops.
    - Like/follow/subscribe to local burger restaurants.
    - Like/follow/subscribe to geeky events such as film conventions, comic book conventions, game expos, popular sci-fi movies. Things like that.
    - Are within your target age demographic.

    Also try reaching out to local geeky shops to get them to talk about it on their social media pages. A local comic book shop might be really happy to talk to their customers about a sci-fi restaurant opening up locally.

    If you need any help with sending the right message and using the imagery in your social media advertising, just let me know. I think I have a good eye for that sort of thing.

    Ah, I've just seen that your campaign is almost over and it doesn't look as though you're going to get funded. I happen to live in Leeds and have a lot of geeky contacts, so if you decide to give it another go, get in touch.
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    Re: Geeky sci fi burger kickstarter - last week panic

    by ExplodingDesk » Thu Dec 04, 2014 5:59 pm

    Makes me want to visit Manchester just to hang out at the geeky burger place. I love the idea and hope you're successful. One suggestion I have, and this will probably only apply if you have to cancel and relaunch. While the food seems like it's awesome and fun, it doesn't look appealing in the photos. I'm sure you're on a budget (there are a lot of things about my page I wish I could change but don't have the funds to,) I think either hiring a food photographer or doing a crash course in food photography would help.

    Also, thanks for sharing that you're getting a surprise amount of large donations. I don't know what that means, but it's very cool.

    Last thought, not related to Kickstarter. Is your location going to be next to any geeky things? Comic book store, convention center, something along those lines. It might be nice to be able to advertise "come here after here!"
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  • Bluechaos
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    Re: Geeky sci fi burger kickstarter - last week panic

    by Bluechaos » Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:39 pm

    Thanks for both your replies

    I think I've learned lots and there is definitely things I would do differently! Totally agree about the pint of getting a photographer in, I can guarantee our food is really good, but are pictures aren't!

    As for location, the places we had in mind are quite we'll Located in terms of public transport, and there are comic book stores and a convention centre where the hold big comic cons in walking distance

    Like I said still 3 days left and lots of people are days they will do are,I'm realistic and I know it's unlikely but I think it's best not to give up, I still think we can make it so just have to keep pushing and promoting

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