Professor Buzzkill -- History and Myth
  • professorbuzzkill
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    Professor Buzzkill -- History and Myth

    by professorbuzzkill » Fri Nov 28, 2014 4:58 pm

    Hi folks. This is my first project and I've had tremendous success in the first few days, but things have gone really quiet. Is this the way it usually happens? I'm starting to get nervous that my campaign will stall. Here's the url: ... r-buzzkill

    And here's the blurb:

    Hello Kickstarters! Professor Buzzkill is a blog and podcast about historical myths. And you’re gonna love it.

    You know that talk radio hosts, Cliff Clavin, and the resident bore at your office are all full of it, right? They spout “little-known historical facts” that may seem true, but they are usually myths. Professor Buzzkill will provide you with the ammunition to call them out!

    Each week our blog and 30-minute podcast will examine a major historical myth and explain why it’s not true.

    But we’ll do more than that. Myths are useful too, you see. For instance, the myth of J. Edgar Hoover and cross-dressing gives us a great entry into the issue of society, government, and sexuality in mid-20th century America. Exploring and exploding myths is one way to look at the fascinating complexity of history. And that helps us think more carefully about things like politics and current affairs. Professor Buzzkill is gonna get that done. And we’ll do it in an engaging and entertaining way!

    We need help getting started, and that’s where you come in. Good blogs and podcasts cost money. And Professor Buzzkill won’t get anywhere if it’s not good. We need podcast equipment, a sound engineer, research assistants, distribution fees, promotional materials, and a lot more.

    You Kickstarters can be part of it. Help us by becoming a contributor. Help us by sending in myths you want investigated. And help us by spreading the word. Become a Buzzkiller today!

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    Re: Professor Buzzkill -- History and Myth

    by floortjuh_fleurtjuh » Sat Nov 29, 2014 9:53 am

    Sounds like a fun idea, hope you will finalise your backings! We've hit the slow spot as well after a week or so, I guess that happens a lot, maybe it has something to do with Thanksgiving as well, people being with family in stead of on the web or something. We're trying to promote everywhere, but I guess sometime's you just hit a slow spot...

    Have you tried pitching your idea to University History major student's forums or something like that, they might like it? :)
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