An Incredibly Steep Learning Curve!
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    An Incredibly Steep Learning Curve!

    by theleatherboundgeek » Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:29 pm

    I've done a lot in my short life so far, trying different things and seeing what clicks. If something hasn't felt rewarding, or having to work at it didn't fulfill me, I pretty much decide that it isn't for me. I jump in head first and see where the current takes me! I have never done anything like this before, and although I can easily and lovingly design and create our products, the idea of social networking and PR is completely out of my comfort zone. I know this is the right thing to do because of that! Everything I have done that has made me uncomfortable, I have felt how much I didn't care that I was doing something new and unknown. I have my goal for this kickstarter, and the company specifically, and everything I have been learning makes me more and more excited to be doing this.

    What we're doing is making leather accessories, for now belt buckles, necklaces, and keychains with many more ideas in the works, that are as customizable as possible. And our aim is our fellow geeks! Me and my fiancee are huge Doctor Who fans, and we've been living and breathing the Whoiverse since discovering it together. This idea started when I hand-carved a belt buckle for Patrick, his name translated into Gallifreyan, for his holiday present. It took an incredibly long time, so we decided that we could do a lot more by laser etching custom designs. And the best part is each one is unique. No two custom items will ever be the same! Here is the original
    The Original
    The Original
    CAM01192.jpg (183.21 KiB) Viewed 556 times
    , and a belt buckle that is more up to date!
    This is Nathan Fillion's name in Gallifreyan
    This is Nathan Fillion's name in Gallifreyan
    NathanFillion.jpg (219.11 KiB) Viewed 556 times

    I will always tell people to follow their dreams. And the more scared you are, the more you know that is the path to take!

    Etana and Patrick
    The Leatherbound Geek
    "Geeky accessories made uniquely just for you.Express yourself proudly and look good!"
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    Re: An Incredibly Steep Learning Curve!

    by theleatherboundgeek » Fri Nov 14, 2014 9:43 pm

    I have just done the hardest thing I have ever tried to do. I directly contacted (okay, via twitter, but still equivalent to having heart attacks) a bunch of geek icons. Namely, Nathan Fillion, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Felicia Day, Wil Wheaton, Craig Ferguson and John Barrowman. Never in a million years would I have ever done this. I don't get star-struck like the average female, but I now know what its like. It's friggin hard. And the fact that I DID it ANYWAYS is proof that I am going up the correct path!
    Etana and Patrick
    The Leatherbound Geek
    "Geeky accessories made uniquely just for you.Express yourself proudly and look good!"

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