[KickStarter] A Short Film about Romance in NYC, 100% FUNDED
  • tristannyc
    Posts: 61
    Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:46 am

    [KickStarter] A Short Film about Romance in NYC, 100% FUNDED

    by tristannyc » Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:59 am

    Here is my kickstarter link:
    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... the-iphone

    I want to show how anyone with a camera phone these days can capture the most intimate moments beautifully!

    And here is a bit about me and the project!

    My name is Tristan Pope and I am a photographer/director in New York City. My passion is to combine the everyday with the glamour we see in magazines and films alike. To be able to capture a moment whether it be in a film or photograph can breath life into even the smallest of moments, forever frozen in time.

    You can view my work at tristanpope.com

    Tristan has worked as a director of Machinima productions for Blizzard Entertainment based on the World of Warcraft and the upcoming Diablo III engine. He has spent the last years building his photography business, and has loved the synergy between video and photography. He sees it as an opportunity to continue to live out his passion for directing and artistry in tandem.Both his personal and departmental accomplishments with Blizzard—the Emmy-award-winning episode of South Park’s “Make Love, Not Warcraft”, multiple trailers, cinematics, commercials, behind-the-scenes DVDS, the chance to work with state-of-the-art video/film/graphics production and post-production equipment—would make him a great investment for this film.

    The Film

    It has been a dream of mine for the day when technology could get small enough for us to get that perspective I often wish I could capture just with the flick of my eyelid. Imagine if you could record those special moments waking up to the one you love, seeing their perfect smile after a funny joke you told, or just capturing for more than a second when they took your hand on the street during a crisp fall day, feeling the warmth shiver up their body to the slivers at the corner of their eyes. To capture what is often called "The Sparkle in your eyes". Our intent is that when you watch this video it feels as though you were there at one point or another in life with that special person.

    I believe today is the time when that is possible. I have been shooting with High end DSLR's for over 10 years and I am still amazed at what our smartphones can capture. Combined with the right attachments and equipment we can begin to show the world our point of view, with something we hold in our pockets everyday.

    I want to use that technology to show everyone, they too have the ability to make truly lasting memories of their lives, loved ones, and the like with the right amount of elbow grease. That instead of saying "Oh put that away" because it is so common place to have a camera out, that like the old days when you broke out the 100lb equipment for your black and white camera and shot on a roll of film that cost half that of our smartphones per minute, you will see it for what it is, a convenience that will help us to remember later on in our lives in a beautiful way. Sure I could shoot this on my DSLR and have the perfect Bokah effects and perfect DoF, but I want it to feel like you are there, like this could be you, like you have been here before, or want to get there soon!

    Recently I shot a short film with the iPhone 6 with Dancers all over NYC using the new 240 FPS slow motion shooting mode. The results were better than anything I could have imagined. Take a look:

    Click here to view the above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfrxfhtDE_0

    You can read the full story here:

    All the being said I have another short film I wish to create.

    Apple even contacted us afterwards to express how impressed they were with our execution.​

    ​Seeing the capabilities of what we could do with the first video I thought you might be as enthusiastic as me​ about another film​! ​Here is the Kickstarter which has all the information about the film, execution, etc.​

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... the-iphone

    It would be great if you could help me to promote or back this fundraiser in any way you could. Thank you for your time.


    Tristan Pope
    Last edited by tristannyc on Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.

    Romance in NYC - A Short film shot ENTIRELY on the iPhone 6: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... ne/backers
  • tristannyc
    Posts: 61
    Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:46 am

    Re: [KickStarter] A Short Film about Romance in NYC

    by tristannyc » Wed Oct 15, 2014 6:41 am

    This project has recently been picking up momentum!
    Curious what people do to keep it going when you are so close yet so far!

    Romance in NYC - A Short film shot ENTIRELY on the iPhone 6: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... ne/backers
  • tristannyc
    Posts: 61
    Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:46 am

    Re: [KickStarter] A Short Film about Romance in NYC

    by tristannyc » Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:42 am

    A cool test we filmed to try out new equipment https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... ts/1017714
    Romance in NYC - A Short film shot ENTIRELY on the iPhone 6: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... ne/backers
  • tristannyc
    Posts: 61
    Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:46 am

    Re: [KickStarter] A Short Film about Romance in NYC

    by tristannyc » Thu Oct 16, 2014 2:49 am

    Sorry for the quick post but we just hit 50% that is a huge milestone and deserves an ASCII DANCE!
    (>'-')> <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) (>'-')> <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) <('-'<) ^(' - ')^
    Romance in NYC - A Short film shot ENTIRELY on the iPhone 6: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... ne/backers
  • tristannyc
    Posts: 61
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    Re: [KickStarter] A Short Film about Romance in NYC

    by tristannyc » Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:02 am

    We hit 70% funded and have a new backer option where you get a kick ass iPhone or Mobile phone steady cam!

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... ts/1022705
    Romance in NYC - A Short film shot ENTIRELY on the iPhone 6: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... ne/backers
  • tristannyc
    Posts: 61
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    Re: [KickStarter] A Short Film about Romance in NYC

    by tristannyc » Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:20 am

    We got Staff Picked!
    Romance in NYC - A Short film shot ENTIRELY on the iPhone 6: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... ne/backers
  • tristannyc
    Posts: 61
    Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:46 am

    Re: [KickStarter] A Short Film about Romance in NYC

    by tristannyc » Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:03 am

    We have cast our leading role for Romance in NYC, Rachael McOwen! Everyone say congratulations and listen to what she thinks about the Kickstarter Project!


    Remember we are only 25% away from reaching our total funding goal. Please share, like, pledge. Anything you can do to get us over the top would be amazing! Thank you everyone for your support and help!
    Romance in NYC - A Short film shot ENTIRELY on the iPhone 6: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... ne/backers
  • tristannyc
    Posts: 61
    Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:46 am

    Re: [KickStarter] A Short Film about Romance in NYC - 75% Fu

    by tristannyc » Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:35 pm

    WE DID IT!
    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... the-iphone

    Here is our thank you video: https://vimeo.com/110833381

    I am sitting here, humbled. This has been a truly amazing experience. With 50 hours to go we have hit full funding! This has been one of the most difficult and exciting projects I have ever undertaken. I had no idea what a Kickstarter project would be like and it was one hell of a ride! I am so excited to bring to you all the finished product!

    With 2 days left, please don't let that stop you from pledging a little here and there. To be able to give more to the talented people involved in this project, who gave their all for a very modest paycheck would be awesome! As well we want to make sure we get the right post work done such as Music rights, Editing, and all post work for our film festival submissions.

    Once again I can only say thank you with my whole heart. Wow. Thank you all so so much!

    Tristan Pope
    Romance in NYC - A Short film shot ENTIRELY on the iPhone 6: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... ne/backers

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