Hire an Artist Project
  • Gareth Craven
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    Hire an Artist Project

    by Gareth Craven » Sat Sep 27, 2014 5:37 pm


    I'd like to tell you about a project of mine called, Hire an Artist.

    Hire an Artist is a project that I started after I found no easy way to commission an artist as someone new to the process. The right artist is hard to find across a sea of websites and every site effectively leaves you open in the water without a straightforward process. This gave me the idea for a platform for people and artists to easily meet, which then developed greatly after I learned that so many artists actually struggle in freelance. They struggle to find work, get paid a fair amount and even to develop their skills and talents.

    So I decided that not only should my project be great for people to get art based on their ideas and thoughts, it should also be great for artists so they can make a career in doing what they love to do, art. A few months in planning and research, the project is now ready to be started up, we're going to be creating a platform for artists to find work on where we can help artists in all manner of ways.

    It'll be open to all artists, while this opens a whole variety of art styles it may get crowded for artists, but if an artist doesn't take the time or effort to refine their craft and distinguish themselves from being another generic artist to justify the price they offer, they're going to find it difficult to get work. We will be providing support to artists however, making available content and advice to help heighten the artist's self esteem and sharpen their skills, low self esteem is a big cause as to why many artists undervalue their work (For numerous reasons) so we'll help tackle this problem. And with this people are going to get a much better deal! More art styles and better quality artwork will be available for them to choose from.

    Low esteem in artists, imbalanced work and price competitive communities won't be the only problems we tackle; Digital art protection, guaranteed payments, artist style categorization (Preventing dilution of large number of artists) will also be dealt with on this platform. So people can work with more confident artists, they can be assured that payments are safe, they get what they pay for but also, even in a populated crowd of artists. People can easily look for the kind of artists they're looking for, not just the most popular ones.

    Giving a straight forward list of the main features;
    - Artists can find work, the most deserving and dedicated will prosper most, but every artist gets a fair chance to get work from clients
    - Artists will be supported, given advice, they will be encouraged to work at a price they're happy with.
    - Digital art will be protected when showing progress to clients, clients can't just get a half-finished yet decent piece of art and run off without paying)
    - People will have a straight-forward process in having their ideas made into art, straight from finding the best artist, to getting it delivered.
    - Payments can be made safe and broken into steps, giving the people and artists confidence in the creation process
    - Lastly, artists won't be engulfed, lost or unrecognized by a huge amount of artists on the platform, artists will be recognized for their style of art via meta-tags, some given by the artist, most by the clients.

    Unfortunately I'm no Russian Billionaire and I need help to get this project started! If this sounds like something you would love to use, either if you're an artist wanting work or someone who's got great ideas for art they want. Please, help support our project on Kickstarter or share your opinions with us and others!

    Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/13 ... -an-artist
    Last edited by Gareth Craven on Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

  • onthewaterlifestyle
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    Re: Hire an Artist Project

    by onthewaterlifestyle » Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:56 pm

    You have some very interesting artist works on your campaign page. Good luck.

  • jdbelsterling
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    Re: Hire an Artist Project

    by jdbelsterling » Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:15 am

    Love the idea, but think you may want to build out your campaign page a little more. There are no visuals, pictures, etc. and the information is very little comparatively speaking. The less people see and know, the less likely they will be to give.

    Best of luck!
    Innovate education AND give back to underserved NYC students through MajorClarity's Kickstarter. Check it out here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jo ... ajor-today
  • Gareth Craven
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    Re: Hire an Artist Project

    by Gareth Craven » Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:51 pm

    Thanks for the advice guys! We've actually created and released some early web design concepts with a detailed explanation of how it works with it. I'm planning on creating more just so people can get a really clear idea of how it will look, feel and work.

    I completely agree with what you said @jdbelsterling, 1 picture is worth more than a 1,000 words. Would you agree that a detailed explanation of how the pages work should go with it or should I keep explanations simple?

    Let me know what you think!

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