How is our video? Quick lok Furniture
  • quicklokfurniture
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    How is our video? Quick lok Furniture

    by quicklokfurniture » Wed May 14, 2014 11:07 am

    We are redoing the first part of our video to get better light but as far as the layout is concerned do you like it? Is the comedy in the right spot? Is there to much comedy or not enough etc...? Also is there enough info in the whole campaign.. Please let us know. Thanks everyone ... n=a43095b9

  • MsQuickTrick
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    Re: How is our video? Quick lok Furniture

    by MsQuickTrick » Wed May 14, 2014 11:25 am

    Interesting concept. From one Quick to another.. We admire your enthusiasm about something we don;t see tackled in most DIY shows (and they are abundant).

    Good luck to you!
  • quicklokfurniture
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    Re: How is our video? Quick lok Furniture

    by quicklokfurniture » Wed May 14, 2014 11:28 am

    Thank you very much. We hope you visit use again when we launch. (-:
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    Re: How is our video? Quick lok Furniture

    by sbriggman » Wed May 14, 2014 6:13 pm

    "Funding Initiative here on Kick Starter. " - Kickstarter should be one word

    I like your idea and clearly sees the problem it solves. Have you researched similar campaigns?

    I would take out marketing and PR for your costs. You should set as low a goal as possible to just produce the product in my opinion. Do you need the "Acquire premises" or could you manufacture without premises? I would also take the "trade shows" out of the fundraising goal. Again - focus on just getting the product out there with your goal. Remember, it's all or nothing.

    If backers like the product once you deliver on your rewards, that will be some awesome marketing. If you hit your goal, that will be a good story for PR.
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.
  • quicklokfurniture
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    Re: How is our video? Quick lok Furniture

    by quicklokfurniture » Wed May 14, 2014 7:54 pm


    Thanks for you input in the matter and after taking a closer look I very much agree with you. The paragraphs below describe everything the pledges will go for. We also fixed the misspelling. Thanks again for taking the time out to read our project and give us some awesome feedback. Anything else please do not hesitate to let us know. We hope you take the time to visit us again once we launch.
  • ALRadeck
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    Re: How is our video? Quick lok Furniture

    by ALRadeck » Thu May 15, 2014 5:07 am

    I've found that when you go over that 2 min mark, you're gonna lose a lot of people because they'll tend to move on/ scroll down/ etc. I'd cut some of the intro stuff and make it more of "This is what this amazing furniture does, look at it work, there you go". That'll sell people faster. Also maybe put some books on your bookstand to show how much weight it holds. When you've got it by itself, we've got no proof that it'll hold up.

    The design time is interesting, but it seems to be priced quite low. 1. People are picky as hell and they will eat up 20 of those 30 min complaining about what they don't like about whatever furniture they have, they won't be together enough to really get a comprehensive design out of it. 2. The most often bought tier on kickstarter is between 50 -80 dollars. While I think you guys are admirable as heck, imagine you've got some...400 people or so who all bought in at 60 dollars. Not that scheduling 400 hours of custom design time into your already busy day of getting this business up and running wouldn't be a giant hinderance, but that is going to cripple your momentum. I'd suggest making it special. Make it like "If you pledge 125, then you get 30 min of design time" You'll get people that are interested in custom pieces, who will have their ideas together, and you won't have to work in 400 slightly different bookcases.

    I'd also maybe put something about this design time/ goals in your higher tiers. I'm not sure if I pledge at 75 if i'm getting stuff at 20, what have you. They could be a bit clearer.

    I'd also maybe pare down the future endeavors part. Having big goals is important, but the moment you start expecting money/ support is when people can get a bit put off.

    Just some ideas. I hope you guys do well!

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