Bringing the world of Devin Greigh to you!
  • JeighEssdottBooks
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    Bringing the world of Devin Greigh to you!

    by JeighEssdottBooks » Mon May 05, 2014 8:18 pm

    It's been three days since the launch of my project, and I've been building a lot of supporters--mainly those spreading the word out, but every bit helps!

    I have one backer so far, and with the help of my girlfriend, we've managed to reach out to over 300 followers on Twitter!

    It's only a matter of time--and undying effort--until the pledges start pouring in!

    I plan to make pledges to other projects. I'm still new, and I've been very busy outside of the Kickstarter scene, but I've been checking out a lot of projects, and I must say they are truly worth backing!

    I've been reading the manuscript over and working on the exclusive chapter that I plan to place in the special edition of Devin Greigh: Testimony that I plan to give away. I've also taken the feedback I've been given so far, and made corrections where there needed to be, and even added more to my Rewards section!

    I am really having fun with this campaign right now. It's exciting, and I am looking forward to all of the help I can get in reaching my goal, so you guys can have the story of Devin Greigh in your hands!

    Rise, Shine, Prevail,

    Jeigh Essdott Books ... -testimony

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