Do you think it's possible?
  • corsair121
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    Do you think it's possible?

    by corsair121 » Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:44 am

    Hello folks, I'm a young guy who played first a computer game when I was 1y old in 1990.

    I have a very complex idea for a computer game, I've been planning it for years now. Basicly, I'm a constructing game guy, but I love RPGs as well. During the adventure of forming of a though, I've upgraded the plan several time, and for today, the fundament is ready.

    I'm planning three steps. First a 1 thousand dollar project (the complex plan for the single player version), next is over a million (the single player version), and the third is a much bigger step (mmorpg).

    I'm not really satisfied with the games of the close past, the last game what brought weeks of playing was the Fallout 3. I mean it was full of good ideas, had awesome graphics, storyline was very unique and programming karma to the game was a brilliant thing. So it had those innovations, what brings real fun of the gaming experience. Regrettably, Fallout 3 had a finite story, and had no multiplayer mode. My idea has multiplayer mode and infinite story as life has :-)

    I won't tell the details of my idea here, because that would be the goal of the first step and the part of the game is you will never know everything. It contains idea-pieces from a lot of game of course, but I have some new things as well.

    So the question is, what do you think, is it possible to make a thousand dollar project for a grand-project-plan. It takes a lot of time to estimate costs and hire artists and experts, so a kind of thing would be kickstart for a bigger kickstarter-project .-)

    What do you think?

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    Re: Do you think it's possible?

    by admin » Tue Jan 07, 2014 2:02 am

    I think you could start with a smaller project, but the reward tiers have to be compelling or you need strong support from friends/family. If all you can do in the first version is just move around, it may be hard to convince people to support the game (so that they can get access) unless they really love the concept. There isn't much to lose with trying it out!

    Hard to advise more without knowing the details of your game.
  • corsair121
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    Re: Do you think it's possible?

    by corsair121 » Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:03 am

    Yes, I agree, support is recommended :-) That's why I want to try the first bid to see are the people even with the plans of a game. I won't say it's a small project making an innovative video game. The first step would contain a few art concept, the basic mechanism of the game, and a brief plan about how world interacts with itself, the funding and rewarding plans of next project, a very short storyline (which won't be revealed even in next projects fully), and the concept of international availability.

    Thanks for your answer!
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    Re: Do you think it's possible?

    by sbriggman » Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:15 pm

    It might be an interesting idea to consider funding the initial small game on Indiegogo via flexible funding and then the larger one on Kickstarter. Just throwing that out there. It could also probably work on Kickstarter if the rewards, video, and overall game is compelling enough, just be mindful you should aim to have at least 30% in backing lined up via family and friends and if you don't hit your goal, you will lose any money pledged.

    Please provide some feedback for others on the forum or answer any questions creators may have on the forum :). You can include a link to your website in your signature so that people can signup to hear about your future game.
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.

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