Question about the terms of service
  • TheCoffee_Fiend
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    Question about the terms of service

    by TheCoffee_Fiend » Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:57 pm

    Hi guys!

    I have a question that I hope some of you can clarify for me regarding Kickstarters terms of service. Here is a link to the TOS

    So basically, in a nutshell, I am creating a pitch to raise money to start a cartoon series. The thing is, assuming the pitch is successful, once my cartoon series is up and running on its own and no longer has any connections or obligations to kickstarter, I intend for my cartoon series to raise money for charity. I know that during the campaign this is not a thing I can do but I see no conflicts at all with the terms of service once the series is independent of kickstarter. Correct me if I am wrong but I see no conflicts with that.

    Now, where potential conflicts may occur is that in the pitch I need to talk about the charities that I intend to work with and I am afraid that there may be conflicts with pitching my cartoon series knowing that I will be raising money for charities down the road once it is independent to kickstarter.

    Is this in some way a violation of the terms of service? Am I permitted to mention in my campaign that I will be working with charities down the road AFTER the kickstarter pitch? I have read the TOS over and over and have not spotted a conflict but I am looking for a second opinion to make sure I am not overlooking anything. I have to make sure I am crossing my I’s and dotting my T’s if you know what I mean, lol.

    Thank you in advance.

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