A Dream of Mine: My Very Own Poetry Book
  • drewsongpoetry
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    A Dream of Mine: My Very Own Poetry Book

    by drewsongpoetry » Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:30 pm

    Today I took my first step towards being a writer!

    It wasn’t easy, and I know it only gets harder from this point, but I finally got through to publishing my Kickstarter for my prospective poetry novell! This probably means not much to most people but I'm really happy I took this first step and I'm ready to take many many more, whether meeting failure or success. I’m so thankful for all the people that helped me get back up after I bumped into countless obstacles, and I’m so excited for whatever this journey brings. Just wanted to share my happiness :) I know I’m a bit too early along the road to be saying this but it’s what I say to myself: Don’t give up! And you shouldn't either if you're doubting yourself on your own journey :D

    Here's my Kickstarter description if you're interested and the link too!:

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fr ... collection
    This has been a dream of mine since I was six years old.

    I'm hoping to release my very own poetry book, entitled FRAGILE GOODS. The poems I am writing for this collection are very personal and come from my experiences growing up queer and quirky, and just different from everybody else. If you would like to help make my dream come true, I would love for you to support me! If all goes as planned, the book will be releasing sometime in August via Amazon!

    Have you ever felt like you just don't belong? Yeah. I have too. In FRAGILE GOODS, I aim to write a poetry collection that encompasses the raw reality of my coming-of-age narrative.

    My hope is that I can bring a collection of underrepresented stories from my unique perspective as a queer POC to help others--who have similar stories to me that have not seen their story anywhere else--feel represented, understood, and loved.

    In this visceral deconstruction of growing up queer, debut poet Drew Song explores its nuances and inflections and dreaming above the stars. The narrator packs an emotional multitude in each stanza of this articulately dazing collection. FRAGILE GOODS is about wanting something more, but sometimes not wanting anything at all. It's about wanting to be loved and not wanting to be loved. But most of all, FRAGILE GOODS is about discovering who you are along the way.

    Drew Song is my writing pseudonym. I'm a full-time student living in New York City--and I'm is very grateful for the time that you have taken to read this project. Thank you!

  • drewsongpoetry
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    Re: A Dream of Mine: My Very Own Poetry Book

    by drewsongpoetry » Sat Aug 01, 2020 6:25 pm

    Today my goal was reached and now 136% funded thank you so much for the support!
  • drewsongpoetry
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    Re: A Dream of Mine: My Very Own Poetry Book

    by drewsongpoetry » Mon Aug 03, 2020 1:56 am

    Hello! Today a project video was added to show a SNEAK PEEK AT THE BOOK! If you have any questions please let me know!
  • drewsongpoetry
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    Re: A Dream of Mine: My Very Own Poetry Book

    by drewsongpoetry » Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:42 pm

    Hello! Today our first STRETCH GOAL was announced. I'm looking to get to $200 to get some cool extra stuff added onto my book. Please let me know if you have any questions!
  • drewsongpoetry
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    Re: A Dream of Mine: My Very Own Poetry Book

    by drewsongpoetry » Mon Aug 17, 2020 2:08 pm

    Thank you so much we are over half way to our first stretch goal!

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