"Sharknerd-opoly" Kickstarter Campaign
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    "Sharknerd-opoly" Kickstarter Campaign

    by samuraisharks » Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:38 am

    Hello everyone. I'm part of the Samurai Sharks team that is located in Tokyo, Japan. Our company recently created its first board game and have developed an English version for it. We did so to try and test and see if we could somehow bring it to an English speaking audience. It is a survival board game with a shark movies theme, featuring elements found in those movies and a necessity for sacrifice and self preservation.

    We're all really new to both crowdfunding as well as social media marketing. However we've launched our campaign already and are trying to do promotion and press contact throughout the duration of our campaign.
    Below are the details of the campaign. I really hope you all find it appealing and will at least check it out and follow the journey, It seems to be a harsh uphill climb at the moment, but we intent to ride it out and are eternally grateful to all our supporters regardless of the outcome.

    "Sharknerd-opoly" Kickstarter Campaign is currently live and will last until September 30, 2019!

    Campaign Link: http://kck.st/2YSjVaO


    A man-eating shark is attacking your city!! As a mayor of Shark Attack City, pushing through your fellow rivals, while avoiding being devoured by the vicious shark, you are aiming to become the city's one-and-only mayor. Will you defeat the shark and become a hero? Or will you barely survive the carnage as the last man standing?


    “Sharknerd-opoly” at first glance appears to be a simple arrangement of Monopoly. However, there are some major differences in concept and premise. The game got its inspiration from famous shark films such as “Sharknado”, “Jaws”, etc, even featuring locations and elements from those movies. There is also an elimination of the bank system and players are in constant danger of being eaten by the Shark that is chasing them around the board, needing to sacrifice citizens to protect themselves as well as gain other benefits.


    In this game, a player's main focus is survival in spite of all the shark's advances and attacks. Players can use conspiracy cards to hinder their rivals or give themselves a leg up on the competition. Sacrifice is also an inevitable necessity in this game. Citizens are sacrificed to purchase land or to save a player's own skin during shark attacks.

    What's more, there are two different ways to win Sharknerd-opoly. A player can win by becoming a hero or by using their assets to narrowly outlast their rivals.

    To find out more, please check out and follow our kickstarter campaign.

    Check out the introduction video of our game

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    Re: "Sharknerd-opoly" Kickstarter Campaign

    by nomlinz » Fri Aug 23, 2019 4:35 pm

    Hey samuraisharks -

    Congratulations on your first few backers. I read on the page that you all are pretty new to crowdfunding so wanted to offer some tips especially since I work with entrepreneurs and businesses to help successfully launch on crowdfunding.

    To be completely honest, it seems like the project is not gaining much traction at all.

    The success of a crowdfunding campaign doesn't happen after it launches with calls for promotions, but it happens long before the crowdfunding campaign even launches. Here are the steps to make sure that your campaign gets funded (and doesn't launch to crickets):
    1. create a pre-launch page to gather emails of those interested in the project who have buying intent for the project. This is detailed step-by-step of how to do it: https://crushcrowdfunding.com/pre-launch-101-creating-a-list-of-super-engaged-backers-before-you-launch/
    2. run a launch "warm up" to prepare this crowd to back the project when it launches.

    If you do these two steps, you'll be able to activate algorithms on the Kickstarter platform and get further promotions. This means getting the campaign pushed out to the millions of visitors to the site each month.

    From what I can see, it seems this project missed these critical steps.

    Although it might be tough now, I'd strongly recommend to shut the campaign down (rather than spend anymore campaign dollars for negative ROI), go back to the drawing board and re-launch again: https://crushcrowdfunding.com/how-do-i-relaunch-my-failed-campaign/

    Many campaigns do this and come back to Kickstarter even stronger than ever.

    Best of luck! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
    Hi! I run the popular blog Crush Crowdfunding and have helped people successfully raise over $7 million on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Get the proven step-by-step system to launch a successful crowdfunding campaign: http://bit.ly/crushcfhandbook
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    Re: "Sharknerd-opoly" Kickstarter Campaign

    by samuraisharks » Wed Aug 28, 2019 1:40 am


    Thanks for being transparent. I truly appreciate it and if I'm to be transparent in return, I'd have to say I understand and I agree actually.

    In truth, I had done research on starting crowdfunding and found that its important to promote and gather contacts before launching just like you said. But when I brought it up to the team they still decided to push through anyway despite the lack of any type of preparation, stating that we can do promotions, etc during the duration of the campaign.

    However the interesting thing is, Im working in Japan and Im the ONLY american and the only english speaker so the weight of this campaigns success is almost completely on my shoulders again despite the lack of any type of preparation. So I've been contacting friends, sending emails, and looking for other ways to promote to at least extend our outreach because we truly had/have NO outreach in the west.

    Knowing this, I talked to a friend and she said try forums and facebook groups to get the word out which is what I'm doing currently in addition to trying to build up our SNS followings..which again I said we shouldve done first. However, now that we're here at this point (and since we've been instructed to see this run through) instead of doing nothing I'm still doing what I can to get the word out and up the appeal...

    Doing the math, we only need about 400 standard price backers. Though the chips are definitely down, I hafta keep fighting. So at least for this run do you have any suggestions for outreach, where to send more emails and how to get more views?

    I fully welcome honesty and directness, Again thanks, and I'm looking forward to hearing your opinion!
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    Re: "Sharknerd-opoly" Kickstarter Campaign

    by nomlinz » Wed Aug 28, 2019 5:22 pm

    I hear ya loud and clear; it's tough sometimes when you're just instructed to "push through".

    Try some of these tactics below:
    - Set yourself up on Kickbooster for referrals. It's grown into a marketplace for people to come grab affiliate links and promo projects (for a financial kickback). It's also now a way to get some PR eyes on the project.
    - Join niche forums for board games/tabletop games. Facebook has a bunch of groups (not pages) dedicated to this where game enthusiasts and creators are buzzing. Reddit is also a place to be with their very niche subreddits.
    - List your game on Board Game Geek - every game NEEDS to be there since it's the main authority for board games. There are also discussion boards there to chat on, and even more niche discussions about board games launching on Kickstarter. Potentially consider paying for an ad spot on their front page since they get a lot of views every single day.
    - Reverse-engineer WHO has written about other board games on crowdfunding and outreach to them. Plus points if they are also shark-themed. Do this by grabbing images from successful games and reverse image searching on Google. You'll get a list of outlets that have covered the game.
    - Hit the shark angle hard. I'm sure there are shark lovers out there who want to collect all things shark-related. Search and find them, it's a niche worth exploring since there are so many shark things out there (i.e. Shark Week).
    - Leverage backer centers like BackerClub or BackerLand or GadgetFlow (there are others). These are paid placements to get the word out there about your project to those interested in supporting crowdfunding campaigns.

    Really get creative here. Who is the end-user for your project (someone who would love a shark-themed tabletop game) and where do they talk? Get in on those conversations!

    I reverse-engineered the most successful games on crowdfunding and put down their launch hacks here: https://crushcrowdfunding.com/9-launch-hacks-from-the-most-successful-board-game-launches-on-kickstarter/ They're for pre-campaign, but please do take what you can to get your project seen!

    Best of luck to you! If you're looking to do a campaign re-launch in the future, feel free to get in touch :)
    Hi! I run the popular blog Crush Crowdfunding and have helped people successfully raise over $7 million on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Get the proven step-by-step system to launch a successful crowdfunding campaign: http://bit.ly/crushcfhandbook
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    Re: "Sharknerd-opoly" Kickstarter Campaign

    by Cristina » Wed Sep 25, 2019 9:21 am

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    Re: "Sharknerd-opoly" Kickstarter Campaign

    by cyrus » Mon Aug 17, 2020 6:45 pm

    عروسک جیشی به چه وسایلی نیاز دارد؟
    اما یک عروسک جیشی باید چه قابلیت هایی داشته باشد؟ همان گونه که در بالا گفته شد، یک عروسک جیشی در درجه اول باید بتواند جیش کند. پس برای جیش کردن به چه چیزهایی نیاز است؟ خوب معلوم است، اول از همه ظرف غذا که می تواند یک بطری شیر باشد. دومین وسیله ای که لازم است این است که عروسک پوشک داشته باشد و بچه ها بتوانند او را عوض کنند. اما اگر عروسک بزرگ شد و باید یاد می گرفت که خودش جیش کند نیاز به آموزش دارد. بنابراین به یک ظرف یا توالت مخصوص برای سرپا گرفتن عروسک هم نیاز است.

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