Kickstarter from the EU, but focusing most on US market.
  • Polyhedron
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    Kickstarter from the EU, but focusing most on US market.

    by Polyhedron » Sat Jul 20, 2019 12:10 pm

    Hi, I am looking into the possibility of starting a Kickstarter. The US market seems the most interesting and that is what I want to aim for. I am researching what the best way to do this is and if I can keep the costs down to make it interesting for potential backers. Also I would like to get an idea what kind of things I need to take care of. Shipping per package from The Netherlands to the US per order seems to expensive. Also the backer has the possibility to pay custom fees I think? So I am looking for a fulfillment center in the US where I can send a pallet. But what kind of things I need to take care of because I can send it to US backers and what kind of "hidden" fees are there? Do I need a custom broker? Or a Federal Tax ID and U.S. Mailing Address if I operate in The Netherlands? Are the requirements different if I send it per package from here or use a fulfillment center? There is no set number, but I want to aim for around the 200 products (10000 USD). Does somebody has info or links regarding this topic?

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    Re: Kickstarter from the EU, but focusing most on US market.

    by nomlinz » Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:50 pm

    Hey Polyhedron - these are all great questions and I'm glad you're already diving into the numbers for shipping and fulfillment even before your campaign begins! The questions you have are also quite specific and you'd get the most up to date information by working directly with an international shipping partner.

    Here's a link to International Shipping Partners that you can contact, with some preliminary questions pertinent to crowdfunding already answered by their reps:

    Note that this list is made by and for people looking to run board game projects on Kickstarter so you'll have to take the numbers at the bottom for pricing with a grain of salt. You'll have to do the work reach out to these fulfillment partners directly in order to get the best quote for your project

    Best of luck!
    Hi! I run the popular blog Crush Crowdfunding and have helped people successfully raise over $7 million on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Get the proven step-by-step system to launch a successful crowdfunding campaign:

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