How effective are KS preview links today?
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    How effective are KS preview links today?

    by RFIDsecur » Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:00 am

    I see some do and some don't use the Kickstarter Preview option.

    Is it an effective method of raising awareness, or are you better with an LP and building off platform, controlling the launch campaign as grand opening, without a preview of the campaign before hand? What's the consensus?

    Some of the Pros :

    You get feedback on your campaign, to tweak it and improve it perhaps.
    It is more tangible evidence the campaign is launching.

    Some of the Cons :

    You lose the freshness of a new launch might bring.
    The campaign feels longer.
    You can't track conversions through KS platform, you can't view the interaction on page that you could with a LP off platform.

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