Forgotten Floof: The Card Game Live on Kickstarter
  • kladman
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    Forgotten Floof: The Card Game Live on Kickstarter

    by kladman » Tue Jun 05, 2018 12:36 pm

    Hello all,

    I'm the creator of FORGOTTEN FLOOF, I'm also new here but I'm excited to be part of this community!

    We've launched our first ever kickstarter campaign which you can view here: Forgotten Floof

    It's a 2-5 player card game all about 5 tribes of guinea pigs fighting for survival. We recently took the prototype of the game to the UK Games Expo in Birmingham where it received a lot of praise for it's artwork and gameplay mechanics.

    I hope you'll all check out the project and provide me feedback on how we can improve the campaign and if you like what you see that you'll help support us!

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