"David" Launching May 2, 2018 on Kickstarter.com
  • Mrjayd86
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    "David" Launching May 2, 2018 on Kickstarter.com

    by Mrjayd86 » Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:26 am

    A 21st Century Revival of the Story of “King David”: David
    The story of “King David has been one that has stood the test of time, and has inspired many generations in it's path. Here to bring back some of that sentiment is “David”, by Jason Diaz, a Film Crowdfunding Campaign on Kickstarter.com.

    Launching May 2, 2018 – The global film industry is worth more than thirty-eight billion dollars, as of 2016, and is forecast to grow over fifty billion by the year of 2020. With this upward trend in the industry, filmmakers everywhere are trying to pump out as many productions as possible for maximum revenue. Unfortunately, this practice only results in debacles like that of “Batman vs. Superman”. These rapid-fire production films are missing one thing: The Faith in tried and tested tales that have stood the test of time. The likes of which would spark inspiration in the hearts of those who witnessed it. Sadly, this genre seems to have been lost over the years and is in desperate need of revival. Here to bring just that is Jason Diaz's latest feature-length film titled “David”.

    The film itself follows the life and struggles of the title character “David”. David begins his journey as a poor shepherd who struggles to defend his livestock from savage beasts on a daily basis, before being called in to help soothe an elder King, “Saul”, with his music. Soon afterwards, the Philistine army invade Israel. With no one left to stand up to the Philistine's Giant, “Goliath”, David is left to defend his people. Just when all appeared to be lost, David miraculously slays the Giant to the surprise of all the Israelites and their King, Saul. David is then appointed to lead the Israelites army, as the people of Israel embrace him with nothing but love and adoration.

    A now jealous, King Saul, fears the worse as David's popularity quickly grows. In an attempt to secure his throne for the years to come, he plots on now killing the very man who saved him from the Philistine Army, David. With the Israelites now hot on his tail, David is forced to flee from Israel and seek refuge. Aside from the challenge of coping with a life on the run, he struggles to understand how a man, which he considered a father figure, could turn on him in such a fashion. Whether or not this stress factors into his escapades will be left up to the viewer to decide. Unfortunately, a film of this length requires funding for Production Company fees, Talent Salaries, casting agencies, locations, equipment rentals, props and wardrobes, music leases, crew fees, and so on and so forth. To help ease this burden for the Independent Film, the production team has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. On the campaign page, visitors will be able to pre-order the film, or even become part of the team and join in the process of making the film while supporting it's production. With the help of the public this immaculate, ninety-seven page screenplay will transform into a stunning feature-length film.

    About “David”
    David was conceived of by Screen Actors Guild affiliate Jason Diaz. Jason Diaz has about ten years experience working as an Actor on broadcast networks such as Investigation Discovery, History, and Travel Channel. He hopes to use this experience to make “David” a great Feature Film that will inspire many more generations to come.

    To learn more or support “David”, please visit the campaign page on Kickstarter.com.

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    Re: "David" Launching May 2, 2018 on Kickstarter.com

    by Cristina » Tue May 22, 2018 12:11 pm

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