Discouraging Start - and haven't even started!
  • Juni
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    Discouraging Start - and haven't even started!

    by Juni » Mon Apr 16, 2018 7:44 pm

    I am assuming that since this site states they are not affiliated with Kickstarter, that I might be able to discuss a GoFundMe project briefly?
    I have this grand plan to make a year long trek around the country, traveling with my dog in a camper, and documenting the trip from her perspective meeting up with other families that have the same breed. I am on several FB boards for this breed and we always discuss meeting up with the other dog owners during our trips, etc., and strangers have even offered their homes to those of us traveling with our dogs. (Sounds weird, but it's a rare-ish breed and we all act like we know each other because of it.) Anyway, I though those would be the perfect places to first present my project idea, and wow, was I completely wrong. I received two private messages inviting me to visit them on my travels, but was instantly attacked on FB by about 4 women that started calling me a beggar, and why would they fund my vacation, etc. It was pretty harsh., and went on in length. I patiently explained how fundraising platforms work, that there were currently over 630k 'dream campaigns' going, and that there were also incentives for being a backer. It's my attitude that people wait until a tragedy happens (sickness, hospital bills, funeral expenses) before they feel the desire to help people out. Why not be proactive and help something positive happen, something that involves a lifelong dream? I finally gave up and deleted my link on all 3 pages. I feel like this is the same type of campaign as getting your album going, or a movie made; you are still contributing to help someone achieve their dreams that do not necessarily benefit you in more than the good feeling you get by helping. So, bad start. Loss of sleep.
    My questions:
    1. Can you advise me on a more appropriate platform for sharing that is more inviting to people trying to get funding for a non-invention/product/prototype, etc.
    2. Do you know of a successful campaign in which someone was able to get funding for this type of project, so that I can model my efforts after theirs?
    3. Do you think there is a stigma surrounding adventure-type projects that people feel the campaigner is just a self-entitled person trying to get people to pay for their dream? I mean, it kind of is... but isn't that the point of fundraising?
    4. How can I make this less about me and more about the documented adventure to go out and meet these other families?
    I appreciate any feedback, except for the kind where I'm called names and told that I'm a beggar, ha!
    (and please delete if not allowed, but here is the link so that you more experienced campaigners can advise me on re-wording, different pics? different goal? I am incredibly grateful for any guidance, Thank you!) https://www.gofundme.com/TravelsWithJuniper

  • aidenhall
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    Re: Discouraging Start - and haven't even started!

    by aidenhall » Tue Apr 17, 2018 11:03 pm

    The problem is reaching the people that actually would help you would this, right now they are out there somewhere, and they don't even know you as a person exist.
    Creative projects sadly needs a base of fans/family/friends to get the shares going, which can create exponential reach, and the percentage that share are minimal compared to tragedies/children in need etc.

    As I said, the people that would help you are out there, they exist, but in order to reach those 500-1000 individuals you would have to reach like 100000 people, get 10% of them to click your link, and then 10% of them could be your kind of people. And running ads to reach 100k people doesn't make much sense as on low budgets
  • Juni
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    Re: Discouraging Start - and haven't even started!

    by Juni » Mon Apr 23, 2018 9:44 pm

    All very true! It's interesting to me, because I would much rather fund a dream than a tragedy or an invention. (I funded your Kickstarter just now...it's not much, but I know how every bit counts.
    WE NEED MORE ADVENTURES AND LESS STUFF!!!! That's what I think, anyway.
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    Re: Discouraging Start - and haven't even started!

    by Cristina » Thu Apr 26, 2018 12:12 pm

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
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    Re: Discouraging Start - and haven't even started!

    by buhiKOU » Sat May 05, 2018 4:42 am


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