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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 12:38 pm
by BikerKarl
Hey guys, my name is Karl Steinmeyer, and I guess I would be the "newguy" here.

I joined this forum and Sal's newsletter in order to learn this world of crowd funding directly from some people that are successfully using it. There seems to be a lot of conflicting information, (there usually is) when it comes to what is necessary to run a successful campaign. And I hope to cut through some of that mystery here; speaking with the real people behind the projects.

My story is not a typical, Create ---> Find Funding type. Not to back up too far, I created a weekly mastermind in my daytime corporate job for a few of us with side gigs/companies to meet once a week, help each other through sticking points, and share some successes. Out of this mastermind a few partnerships have developed and creative projects launched. When I saw the opportunity to help out another guy in the group get funding for his project, I jumped all over it. Not to delay my own, but to learn from the process and use that to create a system to plug mine into.

We decided that Crowdfunding, and ultimately Kickstarter was going to be our launch pad, and I instantly became fascinate by the space. So much that in order to build in some accountablility for my partner and I, I started publishing a weekly progress log of where we are at in the journey, and was born.

This has been a big help to keep us on track. Like any other entrepreneur (from my experience in the mastermind), after the little honeymoon period is over and the work sets in, it can be easy to start dreaming up another thing and get sidetracked. I did not want this to happens to us, and thus so far it has not.

I would recommend that anyone that might see themselves falling into a similar trap start with how to build in the accountability factor, and stick with it.

As far as the site Kickstartyourjourney goes, I'm not sure what will come of it or what direction/shape it might take. I do think that I will start taking guest posts or success stories/failure stories on it soon, so if anyone would like to go ahead and email me, (or with any questions anything else in the space)

Thanks again, I hope to announce the official launch of my partners project soon!

And thanks to you Sal, for creating the resource for all of us...

Re: Karl

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 2:15 pm
by inflexionUSA
Hey Karl,

I've noticed your comments and posts and look forward to seeing more from you.

