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Red Celery Games

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:01 pm
by Red Celery
Dear All,

We have seen some helpful advice and made initial contact already with James, so wanted to contact this forum directly with a copy of our first message - learning to start a project.

We have added a poll survey to this post, and I would appreciate any comments on that, and our project, if that is possible. If this one doesn't work then we need to understand how to make the next one work better! Very grateful you have taken the time to read this and hope we havent offended by making direct contact.

Our story is simple, we want to engage and learn from others who have done this all before.

Some spare time, creative imagination and a crowd funding site! I have backed four projects so far and I can see how philanthropy becomes addictive! Helping someone else start a project because it excites or you have an affinity towards the topic or personal connection is a very satisfying feeling. As easy as ebay or receiving email, I have shared with my linked in contacts that If they want to add a new hobby to your first time ever list seek out a crowd funding site.

Having backed other projects, trying one myself seemed the next fun step!

Like everyone else we want more people to be aware of our project kickstarter PROTEST! but don't want to sound like spammers.

Barry and Ben

Re: Successful launch!

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:24 am
by Red Celery
We have our first backers!

Learning a lot from feedback

The game forces players to decide each turn who they support. This makes for a fast and exciting game where you can never be sure of what's going to happen next, and the best strategists can only to hope they know who is going to win at the very end!

Reduced reward levels to be easier to understand.

Have made description more focused.


Re: Red Celery Games

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:05 pm
by sbriggman
Glad to see you are learning from the feedback and retooling! Keep it up :)