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Creative Documentary Film Project

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:58 pm
by josepablo
Dear Kickstarter Forum friends, my name is José Pablo and I am a film maker from Mexico City. Right now we just began our crowdfunding campaign. Please feel free to visit us on the next link:

Any help is more than welcome!

In Kickstarter Forum I would like to find out if there are blogs, or electronic magazines, or anything else in the internet where I can make publicity to my campaign.

Please let me know if you know anything! Thanks in advance!

All the best,
José Pablo

Re: Creative Documentary Film Project

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:11 pm
by lmatute
It's a great project Jose, it reminded me to my own grandmother which already passed a few years ago. You did a great job on the video, it capture the feeling behind the movie and it leave you with a great warm feeling.

I only got two advices for you, one is those type of project are hard to promote online, unfortunately you have to do some extra work on a face to face, person to person, direct marketing, you need to focus on people getting to see the video and asking then for their support.

Second, use the "share this project" link on your favor, indiegogo allow you to see how many referral one person can give to your project based on it customized link, offer a reward to that top 2 people that spread the word the most. Offer something that anybody could use (EJ, a Gift card, piece of tech like a Table, iPad, iPod, nexus 7) something like that, that way you will have an army of people working for you spreading the word.

Good luck, I will be supporting your project and sending it to my family I'm sure a few of them would like to watch your movie.


Re: Creative Documentary Film Project

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 1:27 pm
by sbriggman
Hi Jose- The focus of this forum is Kickstarter projects. That being said, if you are actively contributing to the community, I don't mind. Check out this link (press list that is crowdfunding related): ... ckstarter/