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New Project: LOCKEDUSB ADAPTER USB Charger Firewall

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:07 pm
by lmatute
Hi Kickstarter Forums,

New around here, but looking forward helping other with my experience and sharing some of my new project.

My Name is Leo Matute and I am a hardware Designer and owner of LM Engineering designs, and my project is LOCKEDUSB ADAPTER


You can read more about it, watch te video and send me any comment from the CrowfundingPR press release or just visit the website

Project would be live, next Wednesday August 21st. ... ckstarter/

Re: New Project: LOCKEDUSB ADAPTER USB Charger Firewall

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:28 pm
by sbriggman
Hi Leo- Welcome to the forum! Awesome press release. I wasn't aware that people could access your iphone via a charging station. Look forward to your campaign launch. Check out some lessons learned in the meantime that other campaign creators have put together: what-have-you-learned-from-running-a-kickstarter-campaign-t814-20.html

Re: New Project: LOCKEDUSB ADAPTER USB Charger Firewall

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:54 pm
by inflexionUSA
Hi Leo,

Like Sal, I also was unaware that this was even a problem. Now that I know I will let others know about one the problem and two your solution. I am guessing many others are unaware of this as well.

I think the "newness" of this problem presents both opportunities and difficulties for you. The opportunity is that your solution can benefit millions of users with a solution they do not already have. The difficulty may be that they likely don't know about the problem or solution in the first place.

For me this is easy and transcends beyond cross-promotion. On a personal level I want to let everyone I know and care about aware of this problem and your solution. On a business level, informing business associates about this is just good business. With that said, I would like to cross-promote you and your product.

As I do not know the competitive landscape, pricing details or much about the problem or solution, I do not know how you will do on KS, my guess however, is the potential is great, particularly if you can gain early support from bloggers and early momentum.

I have included a link which I think may help you. In particular, read Step 5, which discusses blog timing, relevance ... and try to ask bloggers to coordinate the timing of articles and posts to appear on the day of your launch. I would think that would drive a lot of traffic to your project. ... mails-etc/


Re: New Project: LOCKEDUSB ADAPTER USB Charger Firewall

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:11 pm
by lmatute
Salvador and James

Thank you for your kind words and positive feedback on my press release and pre-campaign efforts.

I actually hear similar feedback over and over... people are NOT aware of the issue, and they don't often think of a device designed to "charge" could hack their devices, this isn't really something new, but the severity of it had increased with the rise of the smartphones. This is a dream land for hackers and governments looking into peeping into people's personal life, since it is not a wide spread issue.

I've done my best to educate and spread the word as much as I can. I hope to reach enough people so I can put this and other security product on people's hands. I will be offering 10GB of free encrypted Cloud storage to all my supporters. Another way to enjoy latest tech without compromising data or security.

please contact me for any question, or support, if you guys need any high res graphics or quotes from me. I will also be happy to help spread and support the community's projects as much as I can.

Re: New Project: LOCKEDUSB ADAPTER USB Charger Firewall

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:36 pm
by lmatute
Quick Update, the project is Up and running :D

Your Support is Greatly appreciated, if not pledging, a share on your social media can go a long way =)

you can Check it out at :

Feedback, Comments, question, all welcome.

Thanks in advanced

Re: New Project: LOCKEDUSB ADAPTER USB Charger Firewall

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 7:02 pm
by lmatute
Project is going strong guys, 80% after just a week.

Thanks for the support, some good traffic from this community =)

Re: New Project: LOCKEDUSB ADAPTER USB Charger Firewall

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:20 pm
by lmatute
Just a friendly bump, we just released a couple of updates with new Stretch Goal for a really cool Travel Case and USB Dust covers.

Check it out: ... sts/599799