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4 Resources After Your Campaign Is Complete

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:34 pm
by admin
1. ShopStarter:

"Shopstarter is the next step after Kickstarter

The crowdfunding campaigns end, but pre-orders don't have to. We enable the late arrivals discover and pre-order successful projects! Our shops are pre-populated with content, so they can be launched in less than 60 seconds!"


"The first marketplace for successfully funded Kickstarter & Indiegogo projects."

3. TinyLightbulbs:

"Often, the most unique ideas are not born in the minds of large companies but in the creativity of motivated individuals. Many great indie products have come out of crowd funding or independent funding. However, once that funding is complete, the product can often fall by the wayside and lose visibility. TinyLightbulbs changes that."

4. CrowdHut:

"CrowdHut's ecommerce website sells products that have been successfully crowdfunded on sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo"

Re: 4 Resources After Your Campaign Is Complete

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 7:15 pm
by Fulfillrite
Thanks for the great insight Sal!

One main issue we keep hearing from Kickstarter creators is that after their successfully funded campaign, they do not have any clue on how to ship the rewards or orders.
What we offer pre or post Kickstarter is help them choose the most economical shipping method for USA and international, this way they are not in for a surprise when it comes to the actual shipping process...

As well we offer deeply discounted order processing, pick and pack fees and free storage for any Kickstarter campaign.

Also in most cases we can get all the Kickstarter orders shipped out the same day!

Charlie @FulfillRite