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Preview of my Kickstarter

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 1:04 am
by Greg School
Hello everyone, my name is Greg and I am the founder of Greg School. I recently begun working on a Kickstarter campaign and I was wondering if I could get some advice on how my Kickstarter campaign preview looks so far. You can check out my campaign preview by visiting the following link: ... n=0ce44bb6

Overview of My Campaign

As a brief overview of what my Kickstarter is all about, me and the Pixar artist Neil Blevins want to create an educational, animation video on Shkadov thrusters - a method which advanced Type 2 (or K2) civilizations could use to move stars. A Shkadov thruster would consist of an enormous mirror built next to a star. In order to obtain the vast amount of materials which would be necessary to build a mirror gigantic enough to make a Shkadov thruster, K1 or K2 civilizations would need to resort to dismantling worlds such as comets, planets, moons, etc. Also, they would likely need to resort to a technique known as star lifting - a technique for extracting materials from a star. How, you might ask, does a Shkadov thruster work? How does it actually move the star? Here's the answer: when the mirror reflects the stars light back at itself, that light collides with the star. This asymmetry in radiation pressure acting upon the star causes it to accelerate and to move. What's even more mindboggling though is that, because all of the planets, moons, comets, and asteroids in that star system are gravitational bound to the star, all of that stuff will move with the star too without their orbits being perturbed. Thus, a Shkadov thrusters allows an advanced civilization to turn their entire solar system into a kind of space ship. Space ship solar system.

In the video, we'll discuss how Shkadov thrusters work in greater detail, how the materials necessary to build one could be acquired, and what the possible uses of Shkadov thruster would be. Here's a few examples of some of the possible uses of a Shkadov thruster which we'll discuss in the video: avoiding nearby passes with adjacent star systems, and moving the Earth to a red dwarf star (which can live up to 100 trillion years) before the Sun dies.

Additional Comments On my Team and Things I'm Working On

Currently, we are just a team of two people: me and Neil Blevins. I have written the script for the video (the script will be based on this article: and Neil has just started working on the animations for the video. The animations which he is working on will be put in the video on my campaign page. I haven't uploaded the video yet, but once I'm finished I'll put it up. Also, I've been very busy looking for a good narrator and voice talent to be apart of our team. For the campaign page, I'm also working on getting an infographic made for the Stretch Goals section. On a very basic level though, each goal in the stretch goals will be an additional ~$6K for another video on space travel to get made.

If any of you guys are passionate and interested about what we're doing, please leave me some feedback/criticism so that I can keep improving my campaign page. Thanks!

Re: Preview of my Kickstarter

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 3:24 pm
by hyperstarter
Sounds great but...the link you gave isn't a draft visible link for us. It should have token=xx in it.

Re: Preview of my Kickstarter

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 4:58 pm
by Greg School
Woops, my bad. I just updated it with the correct preview link.

Re: Preview of my Kickstarter

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 8:28 pm
by hyperstarter
Works! My comments would be that you're funding a video - but the page doesn't even have it's own video (even if it's just a basic one).

It needs alot more images on the page, perhaps a features list and so on. Having the Pixar logo would be a big deal on the page too.

The problem is that the rewards aren't v good, in terms of getting enouh backers to really love your campaign enough that they'd want a sneak peak of the video in advance. Can you offer them something else?

Re: Preview of my Kickstarter

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 1:27 pm
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.