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Hello from the Chief Chocophile

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:49 pm
by chiefchocophile
My name is Lauren Adler and I'm the Chief Chocophile of Chocolopolis, a specialty chocolate store in Seattle. We're mid way through a Kickstarter project to raise funds to create new packaging for our hand crafted chocolates. We're off to a good start, but we've definitely hit a plateau. One thing I'm grappling with is cross promotion. I would love to cross promote, but I'm concerned about over-burdening my network of friends, family and customers with extra messages. I don't want them to feel like I've become a Kickstarter marketer, possibly diluting their enthusiasm about our campaign. Overall Kickstarter has been a great experience so far and a lot more fun than I'd expected. It's been fun to see how friends, family and customers get really excited about what we're doing. I'm looking forward to getting to know the kickstarterforum community.

Re: Hello from the Chief Chocophile

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:22 am
by VaporStarter
chiefchocophile wrote: I'm looking forward to getting to know the kickstarterforum community.

Hi Lauren,

Nice video and project! Looks pretty tasty! I think I've actually walked past your shop before... you're not too far from Blue Highway Games, are you? I love the Queen Anne area.

I'll keep an eye on your project :) I think you did a fine job with it and maybe just needs a bit more local exposure to boost you through the mid-project lull. I have a feeling you'll make it though.

I have a suggestion.. go have a chat with Blue Highway Games, and see if you can post something or get some sort of promo going.. maybe a tasting session at their store? Game community is really strong on KS, and if you get into that network a bit they tend to back projects aggressively. Maybe local game meetups? Talk with the people and you'll be amazed.. and after all.. everybody loves chocolate!!

Re: Hello from the Chief Chocophile

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:53 pm
by chiefchocophile
Thanks! That's an excellent idea! I know Scott & Brian from the Queen Anne merchant's association, but it never occurred to me to do something with them. I'll see if they're up for it. Thanks, again! Let me know next time you're headed up here. I'd love to meet you.

Re: Hello from the Chief Chocophile

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:06 pm
by sbriggman
I usually will share campaigns with people in my network (for cross promotion) that I know will love the campaign or at least be interested in it. Where have most of your pledges been coming to up to this point?

Re: Hello from the Chief Chocophile

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:40 pm
by chiefchocophile
Most of the pledges have been our existing customers, friends, family and employees. We have a few who are Kickstarter veterans who have pledged, but we're not attracting a huge part of that community yet. It's the first time on Kickstarter for many of the people pledging.

Re: Hello from the Chief Chocophile

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:05 pm
by VaporStarter
Congratulations on your successful funding!!

Re: Hello from the Chief Chocophile

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:46 pm
by sbriggman
Congrats Lauren! If you'd like to share any of your thoughts on raising money on Kickstarter, feel free to post here (what-have-you-learned-from-running-a-kickstarter-campaign-t814-10.html) or would be happy to do an interview of you on CrowdCrux to pass on some tips.