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So many posts being moved - what a hassle!

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 3:39 am
by Skystar

It's a real drag having to chase after so many moved posts. They aren't _that_ far off topic, and even if they don't configure precisely - so what? Ruins the whole forum.

Re: So many posts being moved - what a hassle!

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 8:58 am
by hyperstarter
Happens about once a week, it's not that bad - just a tidy up but remember to unsubscribe from invidual posts as the mass move can give you a ton of messages.

Re: So many posts being moved - what a hassle!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 9:26 am
by Rickyzs
I think moderators are trying to assign posts to matching sub forums. That's why so many posts being moved.