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Hey guys. :D

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:15 pm
by MichaelLangley
My name is Michael, and I'm a new crowd-funding enthusiast.

I initially heard of crowd-funding because I've been an active member of the gaming community for years and it's proven to be a great boon to the independent developers who find it difficult to find funding any other way. Last month I helped create some concept art for a friend who's planning on launching his own kickstarter and it got me thinking about the possibilities of becoming part of this wondrous idea.

I'm a musician by trade, and I've recorded two full albums on my own, while holding a full-time job. I always think about taking time off from work to have more time to pursue my own artistic dreams, but I know that I need a paycheck coming in every week. Crowd-funding has introduced a brilliant way for artists, inventors, and all manner of creative people to get funded and promote themselves, and has allowed for a new breed of small-scale philanthropy.

I felt like introducing myself because this is apparently the place to be to talk to people who are kickstarter supporters and have crowd-funded projects themselves. Just today I launched a campaign for my third studio album, which I'd like to have recorded in a more well-equipped studio than the one I have connected to my computer. Whether or not it's successful, I'm still very much into the idea of supporting the philosophy of crowd-funding, so I'll be posting here if you guys will have me.

I look forward to meeting all of the forum regulars and learning more about this whole culture.

- Michael Langley

Re: Hey guys. :D

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:23 pm
by ACLeathercraft
Good luck with your album and your campaign! I think I am your 1st backer :)

Sarah ... xury-leath

Re: Hey guys. :D

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:07 pm
by sbriggman
Hey Michael - Welcome to the forum. It definitely has been a game-changer for the independent gaming industry (no pun intended). What is your full-time job in?

Like you said, I definitely think crowdfunding just one part of a whole set of cultural shifts to cut out the middle man between creators and consumers so that everyone is happier.

Look forward to seeing the progress of your campaign.