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Launched My Campaign 4 Days Ago And All Ready Hit A Wall

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 6:12 am
by deediabolical
To keep things in line with my kickstarter I'm Mr. Decisions

4 days ago I launched my kickstarter with 170 Facebook followers and Only 98 Instagram for pre launch (should have done a twitter) We started off very strong and then 2 days in it stopped and now we have had 7 backers cancel their pledge and now my awesome feeling I had is now a wrench in the gut. I know we have 25 days left any anything is still up in the air but we've boosted social ads and had a few places make articles on us but not gaining much response from them. We posted recently on many google+ community's and reddit forums, still little to none traffic.

I'm beginning to think maybe we should have gone a different route on the product. I'm hoping anyone can help.

What should I change? What am I missing?

I'm trying to stay away from pr places cause the results and authenticity vary too greatly.

My Kickstarter is Here at Diabolical Decisions

Thank you soo much
- Decisions

Re: Launched My Campaign 4 Days Ago And All Ready Hit A Wall

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 6:04 pm
by Tom Beckett
I'm not too versed in games on Kickstarter, but some quick ideas:

Video - See if you can turn up the audio on your voices, but make sure it doesn't make the pitch too high. If you can't do that, consider adding closed captioning. Or both.

Might be good to have some play testing or longer demo videos linked or embedded in the page.

A bit about the creators would be good!

The people that hopped on board early gave you a huge helping hand in terms of social validation. See if you can wrangle in some more friends and family to get your backer count up. Then: promote, promote, promote.