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Our First Campaign - follow X

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 6:50 am
by EagleLive

we have start our first campaign for our film-tool a follow focus.
The follow X with additional functions like aperture and camera-functions, of course - wireless.
Here is the project: ... reator_nav

It was a lot of work to bring the product to live and also lot of work to bring it to a crowdfunding-campaign. After a few days i became hundreds of SPAM-Mails like "Push your Campaign" and all want a lot of money. But make that sense? I think i can burn a lot of money to pay all these spamer for what???

Problem maybe is to see what is serious and make sense and what not...

Somebody ideas what "Crowdfunding-Clubs" etc. push an campaign in real?

Re: Our First Campaign - follow X

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:51 pm
by hyperstarter
Yes you're right they all want your money.

You've raised alot but only have x9 backers. My suggestion is to push the Early Birds and the benefits.
- Right now the campaign looks like it could be improved, it doesn't look so professional and ironically the photos let it down quite a lot.

My suggestion is to focus on your page, connect with writers/influencers and then see how the campaign is headed. My gut feeling is that you should of had a subscriber base before you launched, collected emails and get potential backers involved.

Best of luck and if need any help, let me know.

Re: Our First Campaign - follow X

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 4:27 am
by hyperstarter
BTW you also sent us a similar email on another of our sites, looks like you just copied and pasted suggestion is to not pitch sites this way as it won't pick up interest.

Best of luck.

Re: Our First Campaign - follow X

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 11:21 am
by EagleLive

do you know about these company:

Article here:

I never heard from it before... now is writing to me - looks like an Trainjumper?

Have somebody ideas which PR-Marketing company is usefull?
I have read about this 100 List: ... giles-dawe

But looks more for submission the project.

Thank for your Feedback. But can you tell me what the Problem with the Pictures is?
Do you mean the Gif's animated pictures? This is normal by animated Gifs. It shows only the Functions. Look the Videos show it more clear.

Re: Our First Campaign - follow X

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 11:33 am
by hyperstarter
Haven't heard of them. For the LinkedIN article you referenced, I wrote it :D

You can use a combination of services, but you need to get your campaign page fixed first. I mentioned the quality of the images, I think the photos could look better on the page.

EagleLive wrote:Hello,

do you know about these company:

Article here:

I never heard from it before... now is writing to me - looks like an Trainjumper?

Have somebody ideas which PR-Marketing company is usefull?
I have read about this 100 List: ... giles-dawe

But looks more for submission the project.

Thank for your Feedback. But can you tell me what the Problem with the Pictures is?
Do you mean the Gif's animated pictures? This is normal by animated Gifs. It shows only the Functions. Look the Videos show it more clear.

Re: Our First Campaign - follow X

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 12:13 pm
by EagleLive

ah nice. You wrote it.

I don't understand what is wrong with the images? Which images you mean?Please give me an example of what is wrong.
I can use images in the Field with gras or on a Beer-Garden or simply in white clear fashion without an Background. You can see clear the fine product!? Animated Gif's with an simple Background to have an lower contrast to the camera.

All of the other guys says the images looks nice. Fine and informative!?

Re: Our First Campaign - follow X

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 12:30 pm
by EagleLive
I have test your Website...
Many things not correct:

1. Title to long? > No i think the Title is short enough to bring all information on the Point.
2. Description to long >> The Description is wrong.. Where you parse this Text?
3. Link-Count wrong
4. Company Website not added >> wrong! The Company-Website is added on the Place Kickstarter told us. The Product-Website is also listed.

Look like your Parser make something wrong.

And what the Hell is that for a bad resolution animated Gif in a white box? The Jellyfish? Hope is not an example of an good animated image?

Re: Our First Campaign - follow X

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 12:41 pm
by hyperstarter
Best of luck with your campaign, hope it works out for you.