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My university struggle , please help!

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:35 am
by marimitsous7
Hello people! I am going to sum it up in this post so if you wanna learn more visit this site :

The financial situation in my country is pretty pretty bad (Greece) and my dream of studying computer science is becoming , day by day , harder and harder...My family cannot support me as much as they want to and i am helpless , unable to do something so im praying for the best...Im really desperate and that's the reason i found the courage to try fundraising , something that i didnt know even existed until yesterday. If you can and want to help me pursue my dream , pay a visit to my fundraising site and support me...At this very moment it means the world to me...

Again thanks for your time and hope the best for everyone.

Re: My university struggle , please help!

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:55 am
by hyperstarter
Yeah it's a shame with all the hardships (still) going on in Greece. I don't think your campaign will succeed unfortunately.

The reason is if people are backing you, what do they get. If it's sponsorship or just donation, that want to see the value of their money and where it's being put to use. The first thing that struck me is that you could quit University and go back when the time is right, there's no rush to get it done right now. If I thought that, then others would too.

I hope it works out for you and you can continue your dream.