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Great idea - needs backers! Suggestions welcome

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 7:47 pm
by MonkeyHangUp
Hi Everyone,

Our kickstarter campaign is getting a lot of great reviews from people, but we really need backers. Any ideas to help.

Here is our campaign: ... ?ref=email

Re: Great idea - needs backers! Suggestions welcome

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:32 am
by hyperstarter
Sounds like people like what you're doing, but not backing you - could you find out the reason why, as this might answer most of your questions.

If they like it and not back you, then that's not so helpful. For me, you're aiming at adults with children who want them to do things by themselves, so it's a teaching tool. You're looking to target related sites in the mum type blogger area and get it noticed.

The campaign page needs alot of work too, it's missing images and more text - looks about 20% complete so far.

Best of luck

Re: Great idea - needs backers! Suggestions welcome

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:49 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.

Re: Great idea - needs backers! Suggestions welcome

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 3:13 am
by muni_t
Have you tried any social marketing?