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My kickstarter- Helium character plushie

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 9:45 pm
by kazuma
So I started this project on kickstarter 5 days ago ... er-plushie

I'm not the best at advertising so tips are always nice, Any help is appreciated.

Re: My kickstarter- Helium character plushie

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:39 am
by VaporStarter
kazuma wrote:I'm not the best at advertising so tips are always nice, Any help is appreciated.

If you can get the word out, I think you have a strong chance with this one simply because your video... an earnest and likable fellow with noble ambitions. You'll want to hit the women backers with kids in school.. so I'd say try educational blogs and press releases to any grade school related outlet you can find.

I actually don't find the product that compelling myself, but I'm not your target market. Plus the price point seems high to me for a stuffed animal of that size. I'd expect the price to be between $12 to $15, maybe $19.

Your Oct. delivery date is a red flag for me... seems too early. Are these going to be made in China? Have you really taken into account manufacturing times and shipping times.

I'd like to see more about Beverly Hills Teddy Bear Company.. you can lean on their history and experience to build confidence in delivery. I'd also look to see more information about you.

Oh, hey, you're in Bellingham, WA.. not too far from me.

Good luck!

Re: My kickstarter- Helium character plushie

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:51 pm
by kazuma
Thanks for the advice :)

price point includes shipping and factoring in everything from printing the factsheet (I'm still researching that although I have kinkos that should do a pretty good job of it, I haven't gotten the chance to test it out yet though) and the packaging, it adds onto the price. I do agree it might be a tad high although this is the first time I'm doing anything close to this and I've always been told to put it a tiny bit higher due to shipping costs

on the Time, the company that I'm going through estimates making them at about a month, so I'm aiming to get them out by oct. If I had to make the prototype still, it'd take probably twice that long, that is a good question to add FAQ though since yeah it can seem like it is too soon.

I guess it's time for me to start looking at some education blogs and grade school related outlets

Re: My kickstarter- Helium character plushie

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:38 pm
by VaporStarter
Also consider looking through past Kickstarter projects which had something similar.. or at least educational and in your targeted age range. Then message each project creator, and ask them if they have any tips for you and what they found worked for them. I think you'll find people pretty helpful, and if you get lucky they might point you to a great targeted resource or even tweet or mention your project. Just be sincere and don't come across like you have entitlement to help. You seem like a nice person and I think people will want to help you out.

Re: My kickstarter- Helium character plushie

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:34 pm
by kazuma
oh that is a good idea, I know there are only a few plushie ones that have happened on kickstarter, haven't really looked at education ones

also forgot to mention that cool :D we in the same state \o\