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Opening My Site Before Kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 8:08 pm
by FADEM_Studios
Hey Everyone,

I haven't started a Kickstarter campaign yet, but I know that I will in the future. However, to see how if it is going to be successful or not, I decided to open up an online store. It has been a little less than two years since I opened my store, and lets just say that I have been having a hard time. My Kickstarter campaign will be focused on technology and education, while my online store is focused on fashion retailing and education. Even though they both focus on education, their "route to achievement" (something I just came up with) is totally different. However, the ultimate goal is to help college students pay for their education without having a full time job that is out of school. Has anyone else done this? Do you think this was a good idea?

I have posted this in two locations btw :)

Re: Opening My Site Before Kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 2:11 am
by hyperstarter
Sounds complicated!

The concept sounds revolutionary though! How can students pay for education whilst wearing your fashion (clothing?), unless it's connected with webcams or something?

I think if you can explain it better, have a working prototype and great imagery then you could be onto a popular Kickstarter.

Re: Opening My Site Before Kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 2:48 am
by FADEM_Studios
Oh no I think I should have explained it more. My online store is selling brand products like Nike and Calvin Klein. The proceeds will go towards creating the scholarships. My Kickstarter Campaign is on a totally different level.