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Started my First Project Yesterday, a Keurig Pod Holder

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 11:44 pm
by Meinkapselhalter
Yesterday my project went live.

I designd a new Coffee Pod Holder that can store Keurig and Nespresso Pods. I have no list or Facebook page where i can make promo for the campain, maybe you can help me to get more baker so make my project a succses

If you can give me any tips and hints about my campain please share with me. ... der-with-c

Re: Started my First Project Yesterday, a Keurig Pod Holder

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 8:38 am
by RavenX86
In my personal opinion ... trying to appear in front of your backers and saying what you do and what you are trying to achieve in the video will create a closer experience with the potential backers. After all crowdfunding campaigns are about winning the trust of potential backers.

Re: Started my First Project Yesterday, a Keurig Pod Holder

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 10:53 am
by cp1234
Hi @RavenX86, if you need tips and tricks on how to promote your Kickstarter campaign, I just wrote an article on how my campaign (see: raised $250,000 in less than 9 hours here: how-we-raised-250-000-in-less-than-9-hours-t6932.html. Just sharing what I have learned with my campaign so you can do well too :)

Re: Started my First Project Yesterday, a Keurig Pod Holder

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 8:05 am
by iml1nk
I really love seeing people try out new things and I'm not a professional at all. I'm currently running my own Kickstarter and I made a lot of mistakes which I can't fix now that I am live. I want to offer you some constructive feedback that is no way an insult to you personally. It's all about learning.

For the video:

You have about 5-10 seconds at worst and 15-20 seconds at best to capture the audiences attention IF they click your video.

The thumbnail on your video was very intriguing and got me to click, however, the video took way too long to reach the punch line. 20 seconds and you just finished the intro. I would watch a 20 second intro if it was intriguing but it seemed more like an infomercial. The only reason I stuck it out was because you asked for feedback.

At 45 seconds - that is when you actually introduce the product. This drove me a bit insane. I also didn't like watching the hand writing the letters over and over, I was screaming "cut to the chase!"

It's not a bad creation though... simple and sweet. The look could be spiced up a little to make it more aesthetically pleasing but that's okay. The thumbnail for your video looks awesome but when you show it on the Kickstarter page it looks super bland -




I know that the last one is a 3d render but it does look pretty slick. If you could get the real version to look like that man.. that'd be awesome.

I feel like there were too many pledges. I had to scroll forever to get to the actual pledge that had the holder in it... 10 euros isn't a bad price for that though, very affordable and cheap!

Hope this helps! Good luck!

Re: Started my First Project Yesterday, a Keurig Pod Holder

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 11:29 pm
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.