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Hi I'm Andrew, an archaeologist from Kent

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:40 pm
by Andrew Richardson

My name is Andrew Richardson and I work for Canterbury Archaeological Trust, based (unsurprisingly) in the city of Canterbury! I came to Kickstarter through my other passion, gaming, backing the very successful Guide to Glorantha project. I think crowd funding is very exciting and has huge potential, but it seems to be still in its early stages here in the UK. I note that quite a few of the projects launched here in Kent seem to struggle, whilst those that have succeeded seem to be on the smaller scale.

Having said all that, I believe that growing awareness of crowd funding in the UK is important, and that this is best done by supporting and sharing worthwhile projects. I've just started (on 1st July) a project to raise funds for our replica of the Dover Bronze Age boat. Have a look! ... e-age-boat

Best wishes,


Re: Hi I'm Andrew, an archaeologist from Kent

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 6:20 pm
by sbriggman
Hi Andrew,

Great to hear some of your insights on crowdfunding in the UK and congrats on the new Kickstarter project! I visited Canterbury while studying abroad in London for three months while attending college in the US. It's a lovely place.

Are there any other major crowdfunding platforms in the UK besides Kickstarter and CrowdCube?


Re: Hi I'm Andrew, an archaeologist from Kent

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 5:29 pm
by AdamOxblood
Hi Andrew.
I am also from the UK (Yorkshire), with a few friends in Canterbury.
The crowd funding idea is certainly a pretty new concept and after explaining my own project I often have to explain again the idea that if we fall short of our funding target no one will be charged and the project is not funded.
Recently there has been a little about bands starting kickstarter projects on 6 music but aside from this have have not really seen much in the way of uk hype.
My hope is that people will soon realise the awesomeness of crowd funding and start getting on board with backing great projects :)

Your project looks really good, I hope you can get the boat seaworthy.
I'm also looking forward to getting a badge!

Re: Hi I'm Andrew, an archaeologist from Kent

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:50 am
by sbriggman
That's interesting. I hear it's growing in Australia/new zealand ( Yes, I also hope that people will start participating more in the UK. It will be nice when people already know what crowdfunding is and you don't have to explain it!