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kickstarter marketing agency

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 6:07 pm
by whatever

Re: kickstarter marketing agency

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 12:41 am
by hyperstarter
Wow is all I can say! Can you disclose which company told you this?

whatever wrote:hi there. im the creator of this kickstarter campaign( ... -confident). i was just talking to a kickstarter marketing agency to find if they can help my project. i found the agency under a lot of successful campaign on kickstarter. first, he said there will be $2500 fee to get people to view your project for 7 days and i understand completely, it is the marketing cost. he said after the 7 days if 1% of the viewer back the project, then we can move on. after the project we will take 35% of the total fund. i was like but kickstarter only taking 10%. he: but kickstarter is not doing anything. me: but if theres 35% more, then we have to change our goal and rewards. that is the manufacturer price now, thats why the price is so low. he said you can double the price. me: the reason the price is so low because our goal is to get our design out there, not making money. he: you got 3 backers now, your project is not going to be funded. me: we havent share it with our friends and families yet, it will be better once we share it. he: 35% is not that much, your project will not be funded without our help. at this point, i was totally crushed.

i just want to say i as the project creator, i will rather see my project unsuccessful then make people pay double the price and helping you kill all creator's dream