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KickStarter Saturation...

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 4:26 am
by Jonathan08
I've noticed on kickstarter lately that it seems like there are less and less projects that are getting "big" amounts of funding and I see many good projects that seem to be getting a lot less funding than I would have expected. I think the whole scene is getting a little saturated. ;)

Re: KickStarter Saturation...

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 6:53 am
by hyperstarter
Hi Jonathan,

I'm not so sure as I know there's been some huge projects lately including this month that kicked Pebble campaign out of the water.

I do see more people moving over to IGG in 2016 as I think those guys have got their act together but KS is still huge!

Re: KickStarter Saturation...

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:17 am
by Jonathan08
lol. Pebble et al. are exceptions though, they ride on their previous campaigns successes, and more power to them.

But I've just scanned through pages and pages of design projects from the "popular" list on KS and there aren't too many that have hit it big. I see many many projects that I feel would have got way more funding if it were 6 months, to a year ago, and I'm wondering why.

I just have this gut feeling that people are slowly turning off to "repeat" "similar" and "copy" type projects. You can only buy so many designer wallets and designer bottles :P, at some point, it get's a little repetitive and lame. But that's just my opinion. KS has obviously become really popular though, I don't think anyone (especially prospective campaigners) can deny that it has become more competitive and saturated. It makes it more difficult to stand out.

Re: KickStarter Saturation...

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:40 pm
by primelandingpage
I see a lot of funding going for over 1000% of project total...but yes, I also see a lot that are falling 90% short. I guess it could have to do with how well you advertise your project.

Re: KickStarter Saturation...

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:35 pm
by Jonathan08
Well yes, there's a few that go way over their goal, but 1000% over a 500$ goal isn't a whole lot lol. I've been following KS designs campaigns and it just feels like support is getting weaker, too many repeat product types etc. There's always the one or two really innovative idea's that gain traction but overall I think they're dwindling. But then again, it changes month by month so maybe this is a slow month.

Re: KickStarter Saturation...

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:15 am
by Backertree
Hey Jonathan, I 100% agree with this statement. There seems to be alot more competition and 'saturation' of the crowdfunding market with projects being posted to Indiegogo and Kickstarter more frequently. With so many repeat/similar projects and products emerging, it is getting even harder for creators to distinguish themselves and stand out on the platform.

This competition in the industry does mean that creators will need to prepare their campaigns for longer and make sure they have enough support to back them up prior to launching. Crowdfunders need to focus on educating themselves on what they need to do to get ahead. Now, it is almost a necessity for crowdfunders raising a large amount of money to have an adequate advertising budget.

All the best!

Kind Regards,

Team Backertree!

Re: KickStarter Saturation...

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 1:30 pm
by KeepExploringGames
I have to agree with this, the number of projects in the last two weeks is really, really high! :o

Re: KickStarter Saturation...

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 7:54 pm
by capergames
Must be the after Christmas bump!